Diwali Utsav

Welcome to Manbhavan

दीपज्योतिः परंब्रह्म दीपज्योतिर्जनार्दनः।

दीपो हरतु मे पापं दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तु ते॥

शुभ दीपावली

Dear Sir/Madam,
Manovikas Family, Mashavara Team and Manbhavan Mitra Mandali invite you as the Prime Guest in the Virtual Diwali Utsav at 3 PM on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.

Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85239195535?pwd=eGJ0aXhYYmM1Z1N1Y3VIQlJXZUI4QT09
Meeting ID: 852 3919 5535 | Passcode: 1011

Please join us and celebrate joy and togetherness even in the difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic especially for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Thank you for your compassion.

Dr. Nimesh G Desai

Dr. Alok Kumar "Bhuwan"
Managing Secretary

rsvp: 9911107772 (M) email: alok@manovikas.family


To make your Diwali special Manovikas Family is running a Diwali Bumper Prizes!

Lucky winners will get Prizes for up to a maximum of ₹50,000!

Wondering how to enter the Bumper Prizes?

Book Bumper Prize Coupon Rs.50/- each Now:"DIWALI UTSAV" https://rzp.io/l/ZhJicRm3

{Your all proceeds/donation/coupon/support to Manovikas Charitable Society is Income Tax Exempted U/S of 80G. The Receipt you will receive on email just after online donations}