We are all kind

We are all kind

This story was written by P.Crumble and Jonathan Bentley.

No matter who you are, this book celebrates that we can all extend a hand, make amends, share a laugh, solve a problem, heal a hurt, and love one another. There are so many ways to care and to show that . . . we are all KIND.

Day 1-

First read. Read the story to the class. After reading discuss what we noticed about this story. Click the picture to find the activity.

Day 2-

Second read. After reading discuss the illustrations in this book. Click the picture to find the activity.

Day 3-

Explore vocabulary used in this text, what it means and why the author used it. Click the picture to find the activity.

Day 4-

Description activity - using the information from the book and our own knowledge what makes someone kind? Click the link to find the activity.