
Written by: Jonah Winter

llustrated by: Red Nose Studio

Published by: Schwartz & Wade Books

Read by: Justin Theroux

Suggested grade level: 3rd - 4th

Run time: 11 minutes

Before everyone recycled…there was a town that had 3,168 tons of garbage and nowhere to put it. What did they do? Enter the Garbage Barge! This mostly true and completely stinky story is sure to make you say “Pee-yew!”

Written by: Andrea Beaty

Illustrated by: David Roberts

Published by: Abrams Books for Young Readers

Read by: Lea Michele

A beautifully-illustrated tale of a girl and her dream to become a great engineer.

Where some people see rubbish, Rosie Revere sees inspiration. Alone in her room at night, shy Rosie constructs great inventions from odds and ends. Hot dog dispensers, helium pants, python-repelling cheese hats. Rosie’s gizmos would astound—if she ever let anyone see them.

Afraid of failure, she hides them away under her bed. Until a fateful visit from her great-great-aunt Rose, who shows her that a first flop isn’t something to fear—it’s something to celebrate.