The Best Story

The Best Story

Written by: Eileen Spinelli

llustrated by: Anne Wilsdorf

Read by: Mrs Laurie

The library is having a contest for the best story, and the quirky narrator of this book just has to win that rollercoaster ride with her favorite author! But what makes a story the best?

Day 1 - Finding Meaning

What do you think mum meant when she said, 'The best story comes from the heart'?

Discuss what things would be in your story from the heart.

Day 2 - Critical thinking

Why do you think the author gave the characters different opinions?

Why did the author allow mum to only speak at the end of the story?

Day 3 - Your Best Story

Why do you think the author didn't tell us if the main character won the competition or not?

Draw all the things which would be in your story from the heart onto the shared class paper.

Day 4 - Rewrite

Rethink or rewrite the story with different characters.

You might even want to add people from your own family. What advice do you think they would give you? How would your story be different?