Ngati Kahu Stories


This is the story of Pūwheke and how Te Parata and Kahutianui came across a large wheke at the entrance of the harbour.

Story from - Ngāti Kahu, Portrait of a sovereign nation.

Day 3 - character description

Get into groups and discuss what Parata might have looked like & what his personality might have been. Draw a depiction of Parata.

Day 4 - create

Explore māori maps, plotting Paratas journey, build your own waka.

Day 4 activity

Day 1- read and discuss

Read the story of Puwheke and discuss what you think about this story.

Reread the story and act out how Parata might have been feeling in each part.

Day 2 - questions

After answering some of the class questions, what questions of your own do you have about this story?

Discuss and write them down.