Frequently Asked Questions

I would like for my child to participate in a student leadership group. 

Great! First, I would recommend speaking with your child and seeing if they too are interested. If their answer is yes, please reach out to Ms. Keila to learn more about the group.

Outside of the listed student leadership opportunities, are there any other clubs that students can participate in for this year?

Definitely! Check out the Club Hub for the most up to date information on student before and after school clubs. 

Are there resources for parents regarding events and navigating the middle school in general?

Additional School Related Questions

How do I report an absence for my child?

Where do I go if I’m having issues with my Google account, email, or other web-based apps, connecting to wifi, or other instructional technology issues?

What do I do if I forgot my Student Portal password?

How do I find out more about Middle School Athletics?

What if I need help paying for lunch?

Where do I go if I lost my phone (or another personal item)?

What should I do if my child needs to get picked up early?