Covid-19 Special Education Learning Plans

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (“DESE”) recognizes that some special education services may need to be delivered differently during the 2020-2021 school year, because schools and districts may be using a modified in-person, remote or hybrid learning model. Even the in-person learning model will look different than in-person learning before the COVID-19 pandemic, because of the necessary health and safety requirements and guidance. According to DESE the Covid -19 Special Education Learning plan is intended to assist schools and districts in documenting changes in the way that special education services outlined in the student’s Individualized Education Program (“IEP”) will be delivered during periods of modified in-person, remote, or hybrid instruction during the 2020-2021 school year. This sample form is only intended for use during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In its Guidance on Fall 2020 Special Education Services, issued on July 9, 2020, DESE advised that teachers or IEP liaisons should contact parents of students as soon as possible to discuss how a given student’s IEP services will be delivered if different than described in a student’s IEP. Using information from that discussion, teachers or liaisons must provide parents with written notification containing specific information about how IEP services will be provided promptly at the start of the 2020-2021 school year.

Parents and Guardians will be contacted and receive a Covid-19 Special Education Learning Plan which will document how their child's IEP will be implemented differently than as outlined in your child’s current IEP due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to note that a change in the delivery of special education services due to a school’s change in learning model as a result of COVID-19 does not result in a change to to a child’s IEP. Plans do not need to be signed or accepted by parents or guardians.

If you have not be contacted or received your child's Covid-19 Special Education Learning Plan please contact your child's team chair.

We anticipate instruction and services to be delivered in the following ways:

A Grid Services

  • Consultation to the parent or child (if the student is 14 or older.)

  • Consultation with general education teachers and other members of students special education team such as the speech and language therapist and the occupational therapist.

  • Consultation can come in the form of emails, calls, virtual check-ins via google meetings and check-ins during office hours.

B Grid Services

  • The special education teacher working with the general education teacher to providing accommodations and modifications to lessons, virtual classes and assignments as appropriate.

  • Services may take the form of emails, calls and check-ins with students to modify assignment, make accommodations, preview an upcoming lesson or give them feedback on assignments.

  • Special education teachers may also attend some of the virtual classes/ meetings held by the general education teacher.

  • Special Education may be co-teachers in general education teachers’ google classrooms.

C Grid Services

  • Your child will be provided services and lessons aligned to their IEP through alternative methods.

  • This may take the form of instruction via telephone calls, lessons and activities sent to the family, recorded lessons, lessons through google meets and online learning curriculum such as Lexia, which is a reading program and TeachTown Basics, which is an online curriculum based on ABA principles.

  • Again, your child’s IEP will be a guiding document for the Remote Learning Plan, however, these services will not be equivalent to the duration and frequency of services provided during a typical school day.