Student Test Performance

THIS PROJECT IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING PARTICIPANTS. Participation is limited to students who are currently enrolled at one of the University of Maine System's smaller universities, and students who are enrolled at one of Maine's community colleges.

To participate, go to

We ask that participants do not discuss this study with others, to avoid contaminating the research results. Thank you very much for your time and interest.

Study title: “Student Test Performance”

Researcher: Principal Investigator Laura "Kati" Corlew, PhD., and Co-Principal Investigator Kaitlyn Reynolds

Overview Of Study

Purpose: This study explores the relationship between identity, cognitive and emotional states, and academic performance. This study explores testing outcomes under a variety of conditions.

Procedures: You will be asked to complete an exam. Prior to the exam, you will be randomly assigned to one of several possible activities. You will also be asked a variety of questions regarding your emotional and cognitive state.

Time Commitment: The study activities will take roughly an hour to complete. You must complete the study all at once, as you cannot save it and come back to it later.

Primary risks: We do not anticipate any large risk to individuals participating in the study. However, it is possible that you may be uncomfortable with some of the questions. You may withdraw at any time by closing the browser window. If you do experience stress or anxiety during the study, please follow the resource links provided at the end of the study.

Benefits: We also do not anticipate any large personal benefits from participating in the study, however, you may find usefulness in the pre-test activities and will be linked to resources at the end of the study that may be useful to you. More broadly, participating in this study will increase our body of knowledge on student academic performance.

Confidentiality: As a participant in this study, you will be taking the survey anonymously. No identifying personal information is being collected.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions about this study, now or into the future, you may contact the study’s Principal Investigator, Dr. Kati Corlew, at (207) 262-7752 or If you would like to report any ethical violations committed by the research team in the process of conducting this study, please contact the 2019-2020 chair of the University of Maine at Augusta Internal Review Board (IRB), Dr. Christopher Lage at or visit for additional contact information.