About the PiC Lab

The Psychology in Context Lab was established in 2019 as part of a broader effort by the UMA Social Sciences Program to increase our students' opportunities to lead and participate in academic research and civic engagement. Dr. Corlew is a Community and Cultural Psychologist, and an Associate Professor of Psychology in the UMA Social Sciences Program. As her areas of expertise focus on the relationships between individuals and their communities, it made perfect sense to develop the Psychology in Context Lab.

The PiC Lab values evidence-based inquiry and action aimed at increasing individual, community, and environmental well-being. Projects may include academic research, civic engagement, and cultural responsivity.

The PiC Lab is a virtual lab. That is to say, because the work of this lab is largely conducted online or out in the community, there is no physical location. Research Assistants are based around the state and country. Dr. Corlew's office is on the Bangor Campus of UMA.

UMA students are encouraged to volunteer in the lab, to develop projects for Independent Study (for course credit), or to apply to work in the lab with their Federal Work Study financial aid funds or through grant funds when available. If you are interested in joining the PiC Lab, contact Dr. Corlew at kate.corlew@maine.edu.