Community Self Care

Community Psychology recognizes that our individual health and wellbeing is largely impacted by the health and wellbeing of the communities in which we live. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our lives have become increasingly stressful, and for many of us our physical and mental health are feeling the repercussions. From burnout and emotional exhaustion to anxiety and hypervigilance to lethargy and digestive troubles, the near-constant state of stress is influencing our daily lives, minds, and bodies.

The Community Self Care project is focused on normalizing and embracing self care in our community. PiC Lab members will practice this very needed self care, and share helpful resources here and on our facebook page.

You are far from alone in feeling alone.

Feeling of loneliness are subjective, therefore, at least for me, not always easy to describe. Everyone experiences loneliness uniquely. The NY Times article linked here offers some good insight and resources.