Classroom Resources

Start with the SYLLABUS.

The SCHEDULE OF TOPICS shows what topics you need to prepare for, and all assignments.

Saundra McGuire's McGuire's talk on metacognition is well worth watching. Also check the STUDENT SUCCESS page to make sure you are prepared for class. It explains the various parts of the course website and how to use them.

You should read the STUDY TIPS page often and make sure you are incorporating the ones that work for you into your daily routine.

The METACOGNITION page gives some rationalization for the decisions I have made around course structure. While it might seem off-topic at first, I believe you may find it the most useful reading you encounter this semester.

Specific resources

Sample Exam 1 (2014) will give you an idea of the format and TYPE of questions I might ask. DO NOT use it as a study guide!! Since 2014 we have changed texts and there is a different sequence and emphasis of topics.

Review ch 1-3 (Powerpoints from class 9/22)

Molarity worksheet (9/22) solved

Reactions in solution worksheet (10/6) solved

Mol rxns worksheet

Mol rxns worksheet solved

Pct yield and composition worksheet

Quantitative chemistry worksheet (10/20)

Quantitative worksheet solved

Review ch 4 (Powerpoint from class 10/20)
