CHY 113

Instructor: Jim Ford

Office: 352d Science

Office hours (F21): Wed 2-3:30 and by appt

Zoom office hours (F21): Tu 7:30-9 am link here.

CHY 113 is a presentation of fundamental principles of chemical science. These principles will be presented in quantitative terms and illustrated by examples of their applications in laboratories and in ordinary non-laboratory experience. This course and CHY 114 (normally taken concurrently) provide the basis for further study of chemistry. Pre- or corequisite: EYE, and MAT 108 or MAT 140 or Mat 152), or permission of instructor.

Course Goals

By the end of this course, you should

  • interpret properties and behaviors of materials in terms of atomic and molecular interactions

  • be more confident in your ability to set up and solve problems

  • make decisions based on sound scientific principles

  • expand your own self knowledge about how you learn

Required Course Materials

    • You will need to create an account with Chem101. See the instructions here or on the course Brightspace page.

    • The text is the OpenStax Chemistry 2e online textbook. Access is free.

  • You will need your own scientific calculator (NOT a calculator phone app, since you will not have your phone during exams).

Tips for Success

  • Read the syllabus. Carefully.

  • Read the Student Success page. It will tell you how to use this website.

  • Check the Schedule of Topics to see what is coming up.

  • Check Chem101 often. There will be a problem set almost every week, and Class Prep assignments all the time.

  • Study early and often.

  • Study effectively - see the Study Tips page.

  • Don’t fall behind!