Ch03 Resources

ch 3 blurb

OpenStax Chemistry Chapter 3: Composition of Substances and Solutions

3.1 Formula Mass and the Mole Concept

  • Calculate formula masses for covalent and ionic compounds [R]

  • Define the amount unit mole and the related quantity Avogadro’s number [R]

  • Explain the relation between mass, moles, and numbers of atoms or molecules, and perform calculations deriving these quantities from one another [R]

RESOURCES: Course video "Moles and Molar Mass"

3.2 Determining Empirical and Molecular Formulas

  • Compute the percent composition of a compound [R]

  • Determine the empirical formula of a compound [U]

  • Determine the molecular formula of a compound [U]

3.3 Molarity

  • Describe the fundamental properties of solutions [R]

  • Calculate solution concentrations using molarity [R]

  • Perform dilution calculations using the dilution equation [R]

RESOURCES: Course video "Concentrations"

3.4 Other Units for Solution Concentrations

Define the concentration units of mass percentage, volume percentage, mass-volume percentage, parts-per-million (ppm), and parts-per-billion (ppb) [R]

Perform computations relating a solution’s concentration and its components’ volumes and/or masses using these units [U]