
Grid of various photos of scenery, animals and textures

Portfolio for ART182: Photography & Digital Imaging

A portfolio composed as a final project for ART182. (click here to view in Google Photos)

Clamshell on beach with periwinkles inside
Heart-shaped stone propped against a log on the beach
Mussel shell with coral growing on it
Wooden bridge facing the beach
Brown puppy looking at camera
Cat laying belly-up on blue blanket
Tidal pool reflecting blue sky

Rachel Carson Salt Pond Preserve. Bristol, ME

Cloudy pink and blue sky over lakeshore

Dover Foxcroft, ME.

White horse looking at camera
Graffiti on stone cliff face

Mount Waldo Quarry Graffiti

Rainbow against a blue sky
cat sitting in sunny window next to a plant
dog with floppy ears laying on his side reaching for the camera and giving playful look
dog with stick looking to the right
Grasshopper sitting on yellow sunflower
Cat looking at camera through green foliage
Raindrops on green leaves
crescent moon in a pink and blue sky over a road at night
snow-covered tree through a window framed by green foliage
A barn corridor, horses sticking their heads out of the stalls to look at camera
Ice cubes