
While I did not think I would enjoy studying marketing at first, I found that it connected with composition in many ways. Most notably, combining my English studies with a minor in marketing has enhanced my understanding of writing across contexts and the ways our text impacts an audience. (To read a bit about this, see my Writing Center presentation) Below are some samples of my work from my marketing courses which demonstrate an adaptability to different writing disciplines/genres.

Copy of GP 3 - Marketing Research

Marketing Research Paper

A semester long collaborative market research project in which we collected and analyzed various types of data to determine whether or not Spotify should develop a video streaming platform.

Copy of MKT378 - Final Case Study

Final Case Study

A case study of the Nestle Crunch Bar using data collected regarding consumer associations, resulting in recommendations on how to increase profits and improve brand perceptions.

Copy of Personal Brand

Rooting For Safe Spaces

A slideshow presentation outlining my "personal brand" or values designed to "sell' who I am and what I would contribute to a workspace.

Relevant Coursework

  • MKT270: Marketing

  • MKT371: Services Marketing

  • MKT374: Personal Selling & Sales Management

  • MKT378: Marketing Research

  • MKT382: Consumer Behavior

  • PSY100: General Psychology

  • PSY230: Social Psychology

  • ECO120: Principles of Microeconomics