Highland Library Assistant

(815)645-2230 Ext. 2111

Direct line for curbside pickup: (815)645-1611

Mrs. Weir

  • High School: Jefferson High School and Rockford Christian Academy

  • Military Service: United States Air Force

I have had a variety of different jobs in my life but none so satisfying as watching the faces of kids light up as they walk into the library seeing the decorations, their rapt attention during story-time as they get "pulled in," and the joy as they clutch the books they have chosen. As I begin my 8th year at Highland, it is an honor to promote a love of reading and make their library time MAGICAL!

"Fun" Facts:

  • I used to work in a bubble gum factory.

  • I am an Air Force veteran serving during Desert Storm (Flew in a fighter jet on a practice bomb mission)

  • I have worked in a hospital operating room.

  • I love to rescue stray cats and kittens and find forever homes for them.

  • I was honored by the Illinois State Board of Education for "Those Who Excel."