Monroe Center Library Assistant


(815)645-2230 Ext. 3331

Direct line for curbside pickup: (815)645-1612

Mrs. Kerr

High School: Lake Forest High School

College: Loyola University of Chicago - Business Communications

I am absolutely overjoyed to be working in the Monroe Center Library! The students here are fun, smart, and very inquisitive. They make it easy to share my love of books and reading. I have had the pleasure of working in some amazing places. I started my career managing a restaurant in Chicago and became a preschool teacher when I moved to the Stillman Valley area. It was a huge career change but the best decision I ever made.

My husband and I have three wonderful daughters and one fantastic son- in-law. We also have one sweet and lovable cat and one extremely grumpy one.

“Fun” Facts

  • I love to cook but I am horrible at baking

  • I am currently learning about animal rescue with the goal of becoming a foster for abused animals

  • I have been on the Oprah Winfrey show

  • I met one of TV's "Dance Moms" and was pleasantly surprised at how nice she was