Fall 2024

ESLA 3180

Introduction to Academic ESL

Course Information Fall 2024

Our class will focus on improving academic skills critical for success in mainstream content courses. Many of our assignments will require reading, analysis, writing, and one to one assessments that you can schedule individually. Our class content is organized in modules; there is one module for each week, and each week will cover a different topic. Our course is designed to require 10 hours of work per week. 

By the end of this class, you should be able to 

Class Meetings Via Zoom

Morning Classes: We will be meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays am for lessons via Zoom. Please make sure that you’re prepared for the discussion by completing the readings and necessary assignments. The remainder of your time will be spent completing assignments via Canvas.

Evening Classes: We will be meeting Monday and Wednesday, 6:20 pm - 8:35 p.m. for lessons via Zoom. Please make sure that you’re prepared for the discussion by completing the readings and necessary assignments. The remainder of your time will be spent completing assignments via Canvas by yourself.

Optional Scheduled Meetings

Any Time: Schedule a meeting with me

Any time you need help, schedule a meeting with me. I want to support you. Send me an email or Inbox me Via Canvas. Cyanuaria@ccsf.edu

Important Dates