LGBT-70 AIDS In America

Welcome to LGBT-70 AIDS In America.  This class begins in 1981 as AIDS emerges and explores the impact of HIV/AIDS on the LGBTQIA2+ community through the present day. It includes critical moments in the story of AIDS: conflation of AIDS and LGBTQIA2+ identity, early LGBTQIA2+ community activism, the San Francisco General Ward 5B model, art community response to AIDS, literature and media focused on AIDS, the creation of Gay Men's Health networks, and public figures coming out as HIV positive.

This course is an elective course for the LGBT Studies degree and is ideal for anyone working in health occupations, social services, or an LGBTQ+ non-profit organization. 

Coming in fall 2024 - Register Open Now!

About This Course

This class meets entirely online and there are no class meetings on campus.   Attending an online class means logging into Canvas a couple of times a week and completing the course work assigned.

Students may request to add the class through the first week of class.  Add codes will be provided as space allows. 

Download an accessible version of the syllabus.

Required Textbook:

Wechsberg, W. M. (2018). HIV Pioneers: Lives Lost, Careers Changed, and Survival. Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN: 978-1421425726

Learning Outcomes

Preparing You For Success

Whether you are taking this class as part of a certificate or degree at City College or on your way to a 4-year college, an important part of your education is learning what is expected of a successful student and a professional. 

Here are some of the essential attributes of a successful student and a professional and how they relate to this class.

Honesty and trustworthy: This is especially important in an online class.  Doing your own work, not engaging in plagiarism, and not every cheating on a test or assignment demonstrates honesty and that you are trustworthy. Demonstrating honesty in your actions makes your trustworthy.

Punctual, exercise time management, and the ability to meet deadlines:  Time management is a critical skill. You can submit your work at any time during the week before the due date and time. Plan ahead and submit your work well before it is due.  This will ensure you meet every deadline. 

Ability to communicate effectively and accurately orally and in writing: Take the time to proof read your writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  Every writing assignment is a chance to practice and improve.  Use the CCSF English Lab if you need help.  

My Approach To Teaching

Teaching is a passion for me and has been part of my life since childhood.  I wanted to be a teacher long before ever thinking about a career in law enforcement and I'm fortunate to have been able to enjoy two incredible careers.  I love teaching classes face-to-face and in the online environment.  I can honestly say that I look forward to the first day of class each semester as much as I did the very first day I walked into a classroom.

I see the role of a teacher, especially in an online classroom, as a facilitator of learning.  I do my best to create content, activities, and experiences that help students learn.  I can honestly say that I learn something new about the subjects I teach as well as how to teach from every class.  I can't think of a class I've taught exactly the same way from one semester to the next.  I appreciate curiosity and full participation of students in all class activities.  

This is all to say that you and I are in this together!  I hope to share with you this semester some of what I have learned from my experience in law enforcement and at the college.

Tips For Success

How This Course Works

This course is organized into learning modules.  Each module begins with an Overview and Instructions page that provides an overview of what you will do and learn in that module.  The pages that follow contain videos, text, and links to various websites.  The assignments section includes those activities that you need to complete.  Typically, each assignment section includes a discussion topic, writing assignment, and often a quiz.

As you view each page and complete each activity, a green check mark will appear on the right side of the Modules page display.  This should help you keep track of where you are in any given module.  

The first module is a course orientation.  This module requires you to view each and every page in order.  Some of the pages require you to check the "mark done" button in the lower right corner of that page.  You will find several activities and agreements that you must complete in order to move forward in the course.  This is all designed to ensure you know how to be successful in this class.  Modules will open up at 12:01AM on the Sunday before the module is scheduled to begin.  I will send you an announcement about the coming week's work every Sunday morning.  You are welcome to get started early.

Due dates for every activity and assignment are visible on the Modules page display as well as within the details for each activity.  In most cases, activities and assignments are due by 11:59PM on Sunday night.  The course home page contains a schedule of what modules are assigned each week.  You will also find the dates for exams.  Exams are typically available for 48 hours and you must complete the exam during that time period.

If you encouter an error in the course, please let me know as soon as possible so I can get the problem fixed.  

Below is what the typical schedule looks like for a week of class.


Assessment and grading in this class will be completed using points.  Points are awarded for almost every discussion, activity, survey, writing assignment, quiz and exam. You will find a wide variety of ways to earn the grade you want.

Class participation will also be considered in the final grade calculation. Evaluation and grading of class participation in face-to-face, hybrid, or fully online classes includes active involvement in class and submission of assignments, activities, projects, group activities, and discussions (online and face-to-face). You earn participation points by submitting work and completing activities.

Extra credit is often available to enhance your learning experience in class.

The final course grade will be determined based on a percentage of points earned from the total possible using the scale below.  This includes all writing assignments, papers, exams, graded activities, and class participation.


Here is what you can expect of me:

You will succeed in this course if you meet the following expectations:

How To Get Questions Answered

Ask A Question In Class

You can pose a question to me and the rest of the class by using the "Ask A Question In Class" discussion topic.  You will find a link to this discussion at the top of the course home page.  

Remember, everyone in the class will see what you post and everyone is welcome to respond to your question. I monitor this discussion topic and will be notified anytime a question is posted.

Canvas Inbox

For a private question that you want only me to see and respond to, use the Canvas Inbox.  I am notified anytime you send me a message.

You can also send a note via email to  

In both cases, I will respond to you within 24 hours.

Let's Meet

Sometimes it's just easier for us to meet up and talk about your question.  

I am available to meet with you by telephone or CityZoom.  My office hours are often flexible, so send me a message via the Canvas Inbox or email me at to arrange a time for us to meet.

Best Ways To Contact Me

My office hours are flexible during the work week.  The best way to contact me is via the Canvas Inbox.  Look for a link on the far left side of the Canvas screen.

Phone: 707-728-5428
Personal website: