Law enforcement is challenging, exciting, and truly rewarding career. Even in current times, the job offers so much. There is little I would change in my career and if I was just starting off today, you bet I would do it all again!

Experience and education both prepared me for success in my career.  I started with a community college education and came back to earn my advanced degrees.  With each degree cam more opportunity.  

I was fortunate enough to have some incredible mentors as I started out my career as a cadet while in high school.  I learned from Chief Karel Swanson that law enforcement is about service and that individuals in this profession can impact peoples lives in ways I could have never imagined.  

I feel very fortunate to have worked for three different law enforcement agencies and from just about every level from the line to adminstration. I developed a passion for training and teaching which lead me back to the community college system as a teacher.   I hope you discover your own passion by taking classes and exploring your interests.  Law enforcement can offer you something special.

Administration of Justice Classes

What Can You Do With Administration Of Justice Classes

There are thousands of different jobs with in the criminal justice system that an Administration of Justice degree can support.  You don't have to work as a sworn law enforcement officer to enjoy a career in this field.  9-1-1 dispatchers, crime scene technicians, records technicians, community service officers, legal clerks are just a few of the jobs that don't require you to be a sworn officer.  

There is a critical need though for sworn police officers and deputy sheriffs here in California and most other states in the country.  Law enforcement agencies are having a hard time recruiting enough new officers to fill the many vacancies in the profession.  An Administration of Justice degre will prepare you for a law enforcement academy.  Most federal law enforcement agencies require a 4-year degree as a minimum standard for hire.

The private security industry is growing steadily and an Administration of Justice education will prepare you for work as a private investigator, security officer, or for a position within corporate security. 

If you are taking an adminstration of justice class to fullfill a graduation requirement, but don't have any interest in the profession, that is OK.  Our classes are fascinating and will at least make you a more informed citizen.