MATH 90 Lesson 1 - Factoring (GCF and Grouping) 

Today we're going to begin factoring polynomials. Factoring polynomials is going to be important for us because it is used when solving and graphing equations that contain polynomials.

We're going to learn at least five different factoring methods, as well as some strategies, so this is going to take several lessons to get through. Please make sure that you feel comfortable with each factoring method before you move onto the next one. And as always, ask questions if you have them!

Factoring out the GCF

The first method we'll learn involves factoring out the greatest common factor (the GCF):

Being able to recognize and factor out the GCF ends up being pretty important as we continue with factoring. So make sure you understand it before you move on to factoring by grouping. In fact, I'd recommend doing all of the problems via the following link before moving on to factoring by grouping.

Videos: Factoring Out the GCF

Factoring by Grouping

Our second method is called Factoring by Grouping, and it is used in situations where our polynomial has four terms:

Videos: Factoring by Grouping

Finally, remember to complete the homework assignment titled "Factoring - GCF and Grouping" which is available on WebAssign and due this Friday evening at 11:59pm (PT).