CDEV 120

Special Education  



Introduction to basic issues in special education TK (transitional kindergarten-12 including legal rights of children with disabilities and their families, Individual Educational Plans (IEPs), 'dis'ability sensitivity and awareness, inclusion, collaboration strategies and community resources.

This semester, CDEV 120 is offered as a hybrid course. Our first class is held in person on Mon 2/26 from 6-8 PM and there is one required field trip. The rest of class will run entirely online in Canvas.

Advisories: ADVISE: ESL 130 or ENGL 91 or ENGL 86 or placement in ESL 140 or ENGL 88 or ENGL 95

Course Text: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Educator

Course Syllabus

Online Course Readiness

Online learning is a great option but it’s not for everyone. I can not support you with any of the technical skills for using Canvas as a learning tool. You need a computer, laptop, or Chromebook to engage well with the course. 

I highly recommend you explore the content and modules on the CCSF Canvas/Online Orientation linked below before starting the course. This will save you time and ensure your success in the course.

To learn about how Canvas works, you can do the following:

1.  Take the Passport to Canvas Course inside Canvas.

2.  Complete the modules and you're on your way to being successful in CDEV 120!

Instructor Bio

First and foremost, I am passionate about inclusion! I know what is possible when we remove barriers for children with delays and disabilities in ways that build on their strengths and unique abilities.

I hold an Education Specialist Credential in Mild-Moderate Special Education, a Single-Subject Teaching Credential, and a Masters in Education.  In addition to teaching at CCSF, I also teach full-time in a full-inclusion public school that uses a co-teaching model to support the inclusion of children with disabilities.