2024 Spring CCSF Math 90+90S-S62 CRN 33435 & 33436 Information

2024 Spring CCSF Math 90+90S Information

This class will have weekly quizzes and monthly tests, mostly conducted in-person but occasionally administered through Canvas, probably on Tuesdays. At the time of this writing, this section of Math 90+90S is scheduled to meet in-person MW 8:10–10:00am in JV805 and there will be an in-person final exam, date/time/location TBA. Students must enroll in both sections (Math 90 and Math 90S) concurrently.


I will conduct the online component of this class "on-demand" (asynchronously). We meet in person as noted above.

Weekly Participation Requirement

In order to remain in good standing, students must meet all of these three requirements:

Students who fall out of good standing will be removed from the class.


Text Students must purchase or have regular access (e.g., by using the reserve copies in the Library or on the publisher's website) to the text: College Algebra by Stewart, Redlin, and Watson 7th Edition ISBN 978-1-305-11554-5. Students should purchase access to the publisher's website so as to submit online homework in WebAssign.

Required Software

Regular, reliable access to the internet, a browser that works well with Canvas, and a scanner or a scanning app to create pdfs.

Required Materials

I recommend purchasing a ruler (for drawing number lines) and some graph paper. I allow calculators except when I say otherwise in an item’s instructions. Students should do their homework faithfully and keep their work neatly in a binder dedicated to this class. People requesting a special service (e.g., grade appeal, recommendation letter) must submit their homework binders to me immediately. I do not accept late or incomplete submissions.

Attendance, Participation, Good Standing

Attendance Students who are not in good standing risk being dropped.* What does “good standing” mean? Well…

Good Standing & Participation (1) Students must check the website every weekday even if just to look for new information. Logging in once a week to take tests is insufficient. (2) Each week, students must have made regular, substantive contributions in class or, if possible, in the Canvas Discussions on the course website before the class meets. (3) Students must never score below 25% on two quizzes in a row. Students must not fall out of good standing for lack of participation.

*Those rare students whom I decide to reinstate must forfeit a quiz score and will always be required to pass the next Exam with a C or better.

Methods of Assessment (Tests)

Diagnostics include weekly quizzes, three monthly unit tests, and the Final Exam. The material comes from the textbook, class lectures, and supplemental materials. As of this writing, I plan to give most of the quizzes and tests online in Canvas but I might decide to administer some during class. The in-person final exam is yet TBA but I will announce it in advance and it will be a Monday or a Wednesday (e.g., Wednesday, May 17, 8–11am).

Other Important Dates

For important college-wide dates (e.g., add/drop/withdraw deadlines), please see the Admissions & Records Important Dates webpage or the right margin of the Schedule webpage.