Math 110A Online, 

Fall 2024


Hello! Before registering, please read the following:

(1) This is a 16-week late-start course that begins on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 (not Mon. Aug. 19)

(2) This course does NOT meet weekly, however, it is NOT completely online since there is an in-person final exam at the end of the semester! The final exam is closed-book and cumulative. You must have a photo ID to take the final exam. NOTE: There is a possibility the final exam will be held online (due to emergencies, pandemics, scheduling conflicts, etc.) so please check with me before making final travel arrangements!

(3) You MUST be able to take online tests #1-3 and the in-person final exam during the scheduled windows of time. There are no exceptions and no make-up exams, so please check your calendar before enrolling! The college is still working on finalizing the final exam schedule, but our tentative final exam date is listed below:

(4) As part of this course, you are REQUIRED to read the textbook. This course was designed for students who feel most comfortable learning by reading a textbook and do not feel dependent on traditional live lectures or videos. Although I will provide some videos, I recommend a face-to-face class if you do not plan to read a textbook. 

(5) Quizzes and tests are closed-book and have tight time limits. This is to ensure academic integrity and encourage learning, so please be warned if you tend to work very slowly. I realize some students prefer open-book tests with relaxed time limits, so I would like to make sure students are aware of this policy before registering.

(6) There is a cost associated with this course ($49.53 in Spring 2024). In Spring 2023, the CCSF bookstore began using a program called "Inclusive Access." Please read more about it HERE

(7) How this course works. Although videos are provided, students learn the material primarily through reading the text and working on both online and offline homework. You will have weekly quizzes and mandatory discussion forum posts. Note that due dates fall on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays at midnight (you will be able to work on assignments all week). Tests fall on Tuesdays.

(8) To pass this class, you must bring photo ID to the final exam, and you must score 65% or higher on the final exam (70% of passing).

Important tips for success in this course

(1) Read the textbook! If you plan to skip the textbook and watch videos instead, you might struggle in this course. Why? Click here for more info.

(2) Make sure to budget enough time for this class in your schedule. Most students who do not succeed in this class simply did not budget enough time for the class. The average student will need to set aside around 15 hours per week to learn the material. Additionally, students should not have more than 40-50 hours of work/school/commitments total each week if they want to optimize learning! (Some research  has shown that work productivity drops sharply after 50 hours.)

(3) Use a computer (not a smartphone) and make sure you feel comfortable with technology. You might have difficulty if you rely on a smartphone (it might be possible to borrow a Chromebook from CCSF, check here). If you are easily frustrated with technology and have difficulty resolving technical issues, then a face-to-face class might work better for you. If you do not have stable internet access, this course might be difficult for you. Finally, our online tests will have tight time limits, so make sure your internet connection works adequately to avoid additional stress.



Is this course a good fit for me? Would you agree to the following?

Lack of Participation:

Contingency Plan For Instructor illness, emergencies, or absence

Instructor Feedback

Course website:

Online Homework & Textbook:

Initial contact

I look forward to meeting you!