
Counseling Office - Bridging the Communication Gap

TEL: (02)27907161 #141

I. Division members

Director of Counseling : 石惠玲 Shi, Hui-Ling

Chief of Counseling : 楊馥榮 Yang, Fu-Rong

Chief of Special Education 蔡幸家 Tsai,Hsing-Chia

Section Chief-Information:曾麗鴻 Zeng, Li-Hong

II. Objective of service

( I )Counseling

  1. Provide student counseling

  2. Assist teachers in study counseling and plan class and counseling activities

  3. Provide teachers and parents with counseling service

  4. Plan and implement parent education

  5. Promote teaching and counseling activities involving sexual equality education, life education, family violence prevention and sexual violation prevention

  6. Plan matters relating to home visits

  7. Plan volunteered counseling of specific students

  8. Promote matters relating to “mother-teachers”

(II) Community resources and counseling data

  1. Analysis, preservation and transfer of students' counseling data, and providing them for teachers' reference

  2. Implement student IQ, aptitude and personality tests

  3. Track and investigate graduates

  4. Sort out counseling room's books

  5. Liaison with parent association, borough warden, community institutions and psychological counseling institutions

  6. Assist parent association in establishing organization and gathering data

  7. Organize matters relating to learning-type families

  8. Assist in putting special students in appropriate classes

(III) Special education

  1. Settling handicapped students

  2. Select and allocate various gifted students

  3. Supervise implementation of individualized teaching plan

  4. Campaign special education activities

  5. Organize and operate special education promotion committee

  6. Assist teachers in education and counseling of special students

  7. Provide support aids and applications for special students

  8. Provide notices, investigation and employment counseling for special students

III. Current job focus

  1. mprove teaching environment and set up scenarios for special students

  2. Reinforce counseling and teaching for special children in order to develop their potential appropriately

  3. Strive to get gifted class (fifth-graders) to try out “tablet PC teaching” – electronic book bag project