App Creators Unit 1 - Let's Create an App!

What are we learning? 

What to expect in this unit?

Students are introduced to the concept of app development and the MIT App Inventor development tool. They learn about the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, app graphical design, event-driven programming, debugging, and

algorithm creation using variables and conditional logic. They create engaging biomedical science apps and fun interactive games that apply these concepts and use basic user interface features, media, and animation.

Why does this unit matter?

This unit is the foundation for exploring how computing has changed our world, how to collaborate to plan and design apps, and and how to navigate and utilize the course coding site MIT's App Inventor in fixing, updating, and creating functional apps.

D&M Unit 1 - Introduction to Design

What are we learning? 

In this unit, students are introduced to different types of sketches and some basic line types typical of technical drawings.  They will learn how to represent 3-D objects isometrically and in an orthographic projection with essential dimensions. These are the objectives that students will be working toward in this unit:

What to expect in this unit?

Students will learn new ways to develop and convey their design ideas, sharpen their measurement skills which are essential to designing useful products, and apply these to solving a design problem with a partner. 

Why does this unit matter?

This unit is the foundation for design and engineering as students learn ways to technically represent their design ideas using the language of sketching, which will all be applied in the next units as they are given design challenges and learn to use a computer modeling program to further refine their designs. 

D&M Unit 2 - Designing for Production

What are we learning? 

a. I can use measurement tools to change the size of objects.

b. I can create holes in an object.

c. I can add text to an object.

What to expect in this unit?

Students learn computer-aided design (CAD) modeling techniques using a free, web-based program from AutoCAD called TinkerCAD. They will sharpen their measurement skills, which are essential to designing useful products, by creating and testing an air skimmer from given dimensioned orthographic views. Finally, students will apply these new skills with the sketching techniques gained in Unit 1 to develop and convey their design ideas and apply these to solving two design problems with a partner, following the design process of engineering. One will be a formative project in which teams will be tasked with designing a therapeutic toy for a fictitious child with cerebral palsy; the other will be a summative project to design a 3D printed prototype that solves an everyday problem for the student or relative. 

Why does this unit matter?

This unit is the synthesis of engineering design sketching techniques and CAD modeling to develop solutions to design challenges following the design process of engineering.