
Unit 2 - Spanish

What are we learning?

 We are learning about the benefits of learning a new language.  We are also focusing on various Spanish-speaking cultures and what their typical school day looks like.  How does it compare to a typical school day here in the United States? 

What to expect in this unit?

 In this unit, through in-class activities, we are activating prior knowledge of the target language while incorporating new vocabulary.  Students are learning how to describe a typical class schedule.  By the end of the unit, students should be able to tell when they have each class as well as what materials they need for their classes. They are also learning some common adjectives to describe their classes.

Why does this unit matter?

 This unit matters because it provides feedback and helps to activate background knowledge for the upcoming units.

Unit 3 - Spanish

What are we learning?

 We are learning to recite "The Pledge of Allegiance" in Spanish. We are also using our previously learned skills with conjugating -ar verbs and are expanding into conjugating our first few irregular verbs.

What to expect in this unit?

 In this unit, through in-class activities, we are activating prior knowledge of the target language while incorporating some new vocabulary.  Students are learning various adjectives that can describe their feelings and emotions in preparation of using the verb "estar".

Why does this unit matter?

 This unit matters because it provides feedback and helps to activate background knowledge for the upcoming units.

Unit 4 - Spanish

What are we learning?

We are continuing to practice reciting "The Pledge of Allegiance" in Spanish. We are also using our previously learned skills with conjugating -ar verbs and are beginning to describe ourselves and others using descriptive adjectives. It is important we have a clear understanding of proper noun/adjective agreement.

What to expect in this unit?

In this unit, through in-class activities, we are activating prior knowledge of the target language while incorporating some new vocabulary.  Students will spend time with noun/adjective agreement and then will begin to expand their writing into simple sentences.

Why does this unit matter?

This unit matters because it provides feedback and helps to activate background knowledge for upcoming units.  During our 8th grade year, we will continue working with noun/adjective agreement and will eventually be writing detailed paragraphs in Spanish.