Branching with Google Forms

Branching with Google Forms Website

Text Structure Branching Google
Created by Leslie Reid, Kirksville Elementary

Text Structure Branching Google form that can be used for grades 3-5 depending on student need, but was created primarily for grade 4. I would use this form at the conclusion of teaching text structure but before testing. This is a comprehensive review of text structure types, signal words, and how to correctly identify text structure in informational text.

Understanding Text Structure can be very difficult for students in grades 3-5. However, having a clearer understanding of this skill can help readers to connect deeply with the text and to understand the main idea(s) that the author wishes to convey. I would follow this assignment with more work in informational text examining how facts and ideas are connected through sentences, paragraphs and chapters, and how those ideas help the reader to understand the main idea within the text. I would use this while working synchronously with students during a Zoom lesson or have students use this during in-person learning at a center.