Google KEEP

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Google KEEP can help organize your life!

We are all busy and pulled in many direction. Allow Google Keep to help you be more productive. This is a great tool for admins, teachers, students and parents. Google Keep is like virtual sticky notes that can be accessed across all devices. No more making list and losing them. You can have them in one spot, and access them from your laptop, desktop, and any mobile device, there is even an extension you can add to your chrome browser.

Keep is the perfect tool to help organize your thoughts and help you have a clear mind. Google Keep is more than just a cool tool, is is a tool that can be used in many ways.

Here are just a few:

  • Take notes from emails with a direct link back to the original email

  • Save time with typing the same comments over and over

  • Connect to-so list with another person

  • Take a note on the run with voice type notes

  • Make reminder notifications on your notes