Multiplication and Division Growth Points

Overview of Multiplication and Division Growth Points

As students move through the Multiplication and Division growth points they become increasingly able to create mental images of quantities that are constructed multiplicatively. In growth points 0 and 1, students count one by one to find the solution in situations involving multiple groups when all objects are modelled or perceived. In growth point 2, students begin to transition to using multiplicative structures to model a solution, to partial modelling and using abstract imagery to solve a range of problems at growth point 3 and above.

To support students from moving from concrete materials to becoming flexible in using more advanced multiplicative strategies, it is important to screen concrete models to build students mental imagery for the shift to imagining the multiplicative structure in partial models in growth point 3 in order to remove concrete models at growth point 4 and beyond.

The following table provides teachers with a framework to identify the strategies a student uses to solve problems.

Multiplication and Division Growth Points

Not apparent

Not yet able to create and count the total of several small groups.

Counting group items as ones

To find the total in a multiple group situation, refers to individual items only.

Modelling multiplication and division (all objects perceived)

Models all objects to solve multiplicative and sharing situations.

Partial modelling multiplication and division (some objects perceived)

Solves multiplication and division problems where objects are not all modelled or perceived.

Abstracting multiplication and division (no objects perceived)

Solves multiplication and division problems where objects are not all modelled or perceived.

Basic, derived and intuitive strategies for multiplication

Can solve a range of multiplication problems using strategies such as commutativity and building up from known facts.

Basic, derived and intuitive strategies for division

Can solve a range of division problems using strategies such as fact families and building up from known facts.

Extending and applying multiplication and division

Can solve a range of multiplication and division problems (including multi-digit numbers) in practical contexts.