Monthly outreach campaigns

The most impactful action you can take to support Reunion is to connect with your classmates.

After all, the main reason that alumni come back for Reunion is to connect with their Mac people! So let your Mac folks know that you're thinking about them and that you want to connect with them.

We are holding four mini-outreach campaigns between February and May 2023 - feel free to participate in one or all, whatever works best for you and your schedule! Click on the sections below to learn more about each campaign. If you have not done so already, please complete the Reunion volunteer interest form and indicate your interest in participating in one or more of these outreach campaigns. You will automatically receive an email newsletter at the beginning of each month with more information on how to participate.

OCTOBER - Virtual Volunteer Training

In October we start gearing up for R23 with a virtual training on October 18th.

  • Post on your social class media Save The Date for R23. (January 8-11, 2023.)

  • By Oct 28 choose who you will send postcards to in the committee portal.


Postcards will be sent out to you when you have signed up for a list of classmates you'd like to write a personal note to before mailing them out. Use the links below to sign up for names. Please put them in the mail by November 15th with a personal note.

  • Log into MacDirect and log into your Reunion volunteer toolkit

  • Sign up for 10 (or more!) classmates to contact about Reunion

The Alumni Office will then send you a package of pre-addressed and stamped postcards for you to write. Every member of your class will receive a postcard.

December - Program plans

  • Initial program plans due December 1.

  • Program Board: Ideation and brainstorming

  • Brainstorming programming


While we will send an email to all members of your class about Reunion, we've found folks tend to respond much more positively to an email written by a classmate!

  • Send class email out Jan 26.

February - DEadlines for Reunion

One of our most popular Reunion volunteer activities! Write and send postcards to the classmates you want to see at Reunion 2022, June 3-7. Postcards are pre-addressed and stamped - all you need to do is write a short message and drop them in the mail before DEADLINE!

How to Participate:

  • Faculty Requests due February 13 for dinner invitations.

  • Build your class playlist.

March - memories and nostalgia

  • Create show flow for class dinners by March 23.


  • Personal outreach (social/email/calls) for registration launch.

  • Work on Reunion program/event scripts and any event follow-up.

  • Communications to classes about class challenges and GTMDs.

  • Class Email Text Due March 28.

  • Time to remind your classmates to register for Reunion!

APRIL - class gift effort

April 15 Deadline:

  • All event details due to Reunion Staff

  • All information for speakers and emcees should be confirmed by this time.

  • Strategize plan for personal outreach to your classmates and share with committee.

  • How will you segment your class (team, floor, region, etc)?

  • How will you track outreach to alumni?

  • Make sure you are registered! That way you can answer questions about the process.

  • Post on social media. Your class gift to the Macalester Fund, which includes all donations from members of your class between June 1, 202 and May 31, 2023, is an important part of your Reunion experience. Learn more here.

may - registration

Time to remind your classmates to register for Reunion! As Reunion gets closer and closer, we ask that you focus your time, energy, and attention on reaching out to the people you want to see on campus.

  • Make sure you are registered! That way you can answer questions about the process.

  • Reach out to the people you signed up to contact. And if you feel like you have the capacity to reach out to more, sign up for more in your class spreadsheet!

  • Post on social media. Word of mouth is critical for Reunion - let your friends know you're participating, and you want them to be there too!

  • May 11th: class slideshows and playlist due to staff!