Bienvenidos al segundo semestre!!! Please use this link for your ebook!

Tarea 1/El 29 de enero

Reflexión 1: Mi ciudad. Please see Remind. Please have an intro, body and farewell. Underline vocabulary! Use at least 6 words from 3A pages 108-109 and 118-119

2. Do text pages 111 #4, 113 #7 and #8 AND116 #15

Tarea 2/El 31de enero

Reflexión 2: What are 6 commands that your parents tell you: My parents tell me: 1. Wash my hands before eating...

2. Do text pages 114 #9 and #10, 117 #17 and 120 #21

EXAMENCITO : Feb. 6th on Affirmative Tú Commands. Study text page 112 and the Tú affirmative command sheet I gave you!

Practice for Affirmative Tú Commands

Tarea 3/ El 4 de febrero

Reflexión 3: You are talking to a friend and you need to give him/her directions to your house from AHS. Underline the affirmative tú commands. Have at least 6 commands. See Remind

2. Do text page 137 #8 and #9

3. Quizlet 3B. Go to your ebook and click on the red link on page 33.

4. EXAMENCITO: Affirmative Tú Commands. Study text page 112 and the Tú affirmative command sheet I gave you!

Tarea 4/El 6 de febrero

Reflexión 4: Answer the questions text page 129 "Antes de leer"in Spanish

2. Do text pages 129 #39 and 134 #3

3. Do the worksheet "The Verb to Know" parts A and B only

Practice for Conocer and Saber

4. Study text page 121

Tarea 5/El 8 de febrero

Reflexión 5: My City. In email form write about your city. Hola, I want to share a little about myself with you. My address is________. The city where I live is__________. My neighbors next door are_____________. In my family, _______ takes out the trash and ______ _sets the table. ______ cleans the plates and washed the clothes. I like to _____________ in my neighborhood. In my neighborhood my favorite restaurant is _________. and my favorite clothing store is __________.

See you later,


2. Do text pages 135 #4, 138 #10 and 140 #15

3. Do part A in "Formal Command" worksheet

Tarea 6/El 12 de febrero

Reflexión 6: texto página 144 #22 only answer questions 1-3.

2. Do text pages 122 #24, 136 #7, 138 #11 and 144 #21

3. Worksheet "Formal Commands" part B

Practice for Formal Commands

Tarea 7/El 14 de febrero

Reflexión 7: "Mi coche ideal". See Remind. In email form, describe your ideal car. Include the model, color, at least 10 car parts (you can make a list) and why it is your ideal car. Underline all the car parts.

2. Do text page 146 #24 and #25 (except question 6)

3. Finish your worksheet "Formal Commands" parts C and D

4. Fill in the car parts on your car worksheet

5. Start your project on your "Barrio mágico"


Feb 21, Examencito on Formal Commands. Study first page of green packet.

Feb 25, Project on your "Barrio mágico" See rubric.

Feb 27, Examen Unidad 3. See your study guide.

March 1 Writing Evaluation of one of your reflexiones from Unidad 3.

Tarea 8/El 19 de febrero

Reflexión 8: Write an email to Dr. McClay on how to be a good driver and how to take care of her car. Please see your worksheet "Un buen conductor". Make sure to have at least 10 sentences and include 6 Ud. Commands. Underline the commands. Make sure to include an introduction, body and a farewell. See Remind.

2. Do text pages 141 #17 and 147 #27 and #28

3. Worksheet "Un buen conductor" questions 1-11

4. EXAMENCITO UD AND UDS COMMANDS! Study green packet first page and youtube video from Sr. Jordan. See homework 6 for the videos!

5. Continue working on your "Barrio mágico" project due el 25 de febrero!

Tarea 9/El 21 de febrero

Reflexión 9: Texto 148 #31 Follow the instructions!

2. Texto 146 #26 (no nosotros) and 148 #29

3. Study texto 145

4. In class pink packet page 1A and page 2B

5. "Barrio mágico project due! Please see rubric!

Tarea 10

Study for your Unidad 3 Exam. Please see study guide. You may also bring a 3x5 index cards with notes if you would like!!

Study video for negative tú command

Tarea 11/El 27 de febrero

Reflexión 10: Redo reflexión 8 but instead of addressing it to Dr. McClay you are now going to be talking to a friend.

2. Quizlet 4A. Go to page 160-161 on your ebook. Click on the red link and Quizlet 4A will be there!

3. Examen: Reflection Evaluation

Tarea 12/El primero de marzo

Reflexión 11: Write out 6 Uds. Commands 3 affirmative and 3 negative. How to be successful in school.

2. We will continue practicing commands. Do page 8 in the pink packet 14-24

3. Do text page 162 #2

4. Study text page 164-165

5. In class Part A of "Used to" worksheet

6. Print out Aeries grade book for Spanish class

Tarea 13/El 5 de marzo

Reflexión 12: My last weekend. Write an email to a friend talking about 3 things you did last weekend. Be sure to have at least 8 sentences which include an intro, body and farewell. Underline the preterite 1X and transition phrases 2X. See Remind.

2. Text pages 163 #4, 166 #8 and #9

3. Study uses of the Imperfect (gold sheet)

4. Do gold sheet page 4 ,( 1-10) and page 5, (1-10)

Tarea 14/El 7 de marzo

Reflexión 13: Answer the questions from text page 163 #5

2. Do text pages 166 #10 and 168 #14

3. Gold sheet 6.14, (1-10)

Tarea 15-16/El 12 de marzo/El 14 de marzo. Due to the field trip to the zoo, this homework will be due March 18th!

Reflexión 14: See Remind. Barrio mágico: Write an email to a friend talking about your trip to your Barrio mágico (from your project). Include where you went, what you saw, what you did, where did you lodge, where did you eat, what did you eat, and what you bought. Mention your favorite part of your experience in your barrio mágico and why.

2. Text pages 169 #16, 171 #19 and 174 #23

3. Gold worksheet in the packet: 6.12, (11-17,) 6.13, (11-17 )and 6.14, (11-17)

4. Worksheet Ser/Estar

5. My childhood project: Cuando era niño/a... See instructions handed out in class.

6. Zoo reflection due March 20th! See your handout.


March 18, Childhood Project due

March 20, Imperfect Quiz on Conjugations Text pages 164-165 plus 173 and study gold packet

March 22, Vocabulary Quiz on 4A- Study with Quizlet only words from pages 160-161 and 170-171!

Tarea 17/El 18 de marzo

Reflexión 15: Tema: El zoológico. See handout

2. Texto pages 172 #20, 174 #24 and 178 #29

3. Examencito on Imperfect Tense: Study text pages 164-165 plus 173 and study gold packet!

Tarea 18/El 20 de marzo, el primer día de la primavera!

Reflexión 16: My trips to El Salvador. Write an email to a friend talking about what you and your family used to do on your trips to El Salvador when you were little. See Remind.

2. Do text pages 175 #25 and 182 #36

3. In class text page 178 #30

4. Examencito on Vocabulary 4A. See pages 160-161 and 170-171. Make sure you can use the words in context not just memorize them.

Tarea 19/el 22 de marzo

Reflexión17: My weekends when I was a child. Write an email to a friend about what you used to do on your weekends when you were a child. Make sure you have an intro, body and a farewell. Underline the imperfect 2X and use at least 2 transitional phrases. See Remind.

2. Study text page 179

3. Do page 180 #31

4. Map in class

5. Quizlet 4B


April 1st: Map quiz with countries and capitals and nationalities

April 3rd: Written Evaluation (reflection) from Unidad 4

April 5th: Examen Unidad 4- See study guide!/1

Tarea 20/El 26 de marzo

Reflexión 18: El circo. Use pages 187-188 to help with vocabulary. In email form write a friend about your visits to the circus when you were little. Intro: When I was little I always went to the circus. Include: the name of the circus, with whom you used to go, what you used to do there, what you used to see at the circus, what was your favorite thing about the circus and did you like to go to the circus and why. Make sure you have a proper farewell. See Remind.

2. Do text pages 188 #2, 189 #3 and 196 #16

3. Do worksheet "Adjectives of Nationality

4. Study text pages 193-194

Tarea 21/El 28 de marzo

Reflexión 19: Text page 189 #4

2. Study Quizlet 4B and text pages 193-194

3. Map Examen

Tarea 22/El primero de abril

Reflexión 20: Text page 195 #14

2. Do text pages 194 #12 and 197 #18

3. Study for your Reflection Evaluation from Unidad 4!

Fecha importante: Examen 4 April 5th!!

Tarea 23/El 3 de abril

Study for Examen Unidad 4- See Study Guide

More optional practice:

  • Text pages 185 B-D 186 E, 209 C and 210 E

Tarea 23/El 5 de abril

Reflexión 21: Text page 200 #24

2. Study text pages 220, 222 and the yellow study guide

3. Do the pink packet pages 2 and 3

4. Quizlet 5A

Tarea 24/El 9 de abril

Reflexión 22: Text page 219 #5. Follow instructions.

2. So text pages 218 #2, 219 #4 and 221 #7

3. En class "Past Tense Forms" A and B

4. Parent Signature for Exam Unidad 4

Classwork: Translate pink worksheets # 7 and #3 to English.

Tarea 25/El 11 de abril

Reflexión 23:

2. In class: La Semana Santa/Easter in Spain

3. Optional video for Preterite vs. Imperfect

Tarea 26/El 22 de abril

Reflexión 24: Cómo cuidar a la Madre Naturaleza (How to care for Mother Nature). Write an email to a friend. Tell them how they should care for Mother Earth. Make sure to have an introduction, body 3 affirmative tú commands and 2 negative commands and a farewell. See Remind.

2. Do texto pages 221 #8, 224 #13 and 229 #22

3. En clase: Earth Day and "Past Tense Summary" A y B

Tarea 27/El 24 de abril

Reflexión 25: My visit to the "El Yunque". Follow the instructions on text page 225 #16. See Remind. Write an email to a friend about your visit to the "El Yunque". Make sure to have an intro, body and farewell.

2. Do text pages 222 #9, 226 #17 and 230 #23

3. Study text pages 231-232


April 30,Examencito on vocabulary 5A and page 231. Study pages 216-217, 228-229 and 231.

May 2, Examencito on the preterite. Study pages 220 and 232

Tarea 28/El 26 de abril

Reflexión 26: Text page 230 #24 "Algo personal"

2. Text pages 223 #10, 231 #26 and #27 and 233 #29

3. In Class: Workbook pages 95 #11 and 96 #12

EXAMENCITO: Vocabulary 5A Study pages 216-217 and 228-229 and 231!

Tarea 29/El 30 de abril

Reflexión 27: Text page 237. Answer the questions for "Antes de leer"

2. Text pages 227 #19 and 236 #35

3. In Class 234 #30

4. Quizlet 5B

5. Study for the Preterite examencito pages 220 and 232

Tarea 30/El 2 de mayo

Reflexión 28: Workbook page 98 #15

2. Text pages 224 #12 (1-13) and 242 #2

3. In class: In English write an email to a friend about 5 de mayo.

IMPORTANT DATES: May 8th. The usage of the preterite and imperfect. Study your white packet. May 10th decide between the preterite and imperfect and conjugate the verb correctly.

Tarea 31/El 6 de mayo

Reflexión 29: Ir de compras. Write an email talking about the last time you went shopping. Include when you went, what was the weather like, where you went and with whom, what you wanted to buy, did you find it? Did you have fun. Be sure to have an intro, body and farewell. Underline the preterite 1X and highlight the imperfect .

2. Do text pages 224 #12 (14-26), 243 #3 and 250 #19.

3. In class packet pages 2 and 5



Tarea 32/El 8 de mayo

Reflexión 30: Text page 243 #4

2. Text page 254 #25

3. In class: White Packet: page 8, 1-12 and page 10, 1-14 and the reason why you picked preterite or imperfect. Use your packet.

Optional Practice. White Packet page 10, 15-25 and why. Come to Support to review!

4. Examencito: Preterite/Imperfect. Study White Packet!

Tarea 33/El 10 de mayo

Reflexión 31. Restaurant Experience. See Remind.

2. Do text pages 251 #21 and 255 #26

El 14 de mayo: Study for the Unidad 5 Exam! See study guide. Optional practice text pages 239-240 (B-D) and 264 E

Tarea 34/El 16 de mayo

Reflexión 32. "El día de las Madres" See Remind. In email form write about a special meal that you had for Mother's Day. Did you and your family eat at a restaurant or at home? What did you eat? Who came? What gift did you give your mom? What were you doing while you were eating? Did you have a good time? Why? Underline the preterite 1X and the imperfect 2X. Make sure you have an intro, body and farewell!

2. Quizlet for Unidad 7A

3. Writing Evaluation

Tarea 35/El 20 de mayo

Reflexión 33: Text page 255 #27

2. Text pages 324 #2 and 327 #6

3. In Class text page 332 #17 and yellow packet pages 4-5 A-C. If you don't finish it is for homework.

4. Study text page 326 and the yellow packet on Remind:

5. Parent signature on Unidad 5 Test

Tarea 36/El 22 de mayo

Reflexión 34: My last 5 weeks of the school year. Write an email to a friend about your last 5 weeks of the school year. Include an intro, body

including what you have liked, what you have learned, what you would like to learn or do in the last 5 weeks, what you would like to achieve and how you will achieve it and how are you going to have fun and a farewell. See Remind!

2. Text pages 325#3 and #5 and page 333 #19

3. In Class: Yellow packet pages 5C, page 7, 11-10 and page 10, 1-10

Important Date: I will be collecting your binder June 4th!!!

Tarea 37/El 24 de mayo

Reflexión 35: Text page 325 #4

2. Text pages 335 #22, 329 #10 and 354 #14

3. In Class text pages 337 #26 and Yellow packet page 10 (11-24)

4. Study text page 350


May 31st there will be a test on text pages 328,337, and 350! Also look over yellow packet!

June 4th and 6th: Oral Proficiency on "Preguntas personales" 1-60.

June 4th I will be collecting your binder!

Tarea 38/El 29 de mayo

Reflexión 36. Workbook page 142. Please underline the Present Perfect.

2. Text pages 338 #27 and 351 #7

3. Optional practice for el examencito de Present Perfect. Yellow packet pages 9, 1-7, 10, 25-35 and 11, 1-7

EXAMENCITO: Present Perfect!

Tarea 39/El 31 de mayo

Reflexión 37: Text page 336 #24

2. Texto 350 #6 and 355 #16

I will be collecting your binder with your rubric on Tuesday June 4th!! We will be starting the Preguntas personales 1-60!!!

El 4 junio

Please see Remind for the optional practice for the Final!

El 6 de junio

Please see Remind for the optional practice for the Final!

Please bring pencils and erasers/white out for the Final!!!

Tarea 1/El 22 de agosto

1. Signatures: Parent/Student

2. Questionaire/ Reflexión 1

For Monday please bring your materials

The link for the ebook!

Tarea 2/El 22 de agosto

Reflexión 2

Worksheet that was completed in class. Write 2 paragraphs with the information you collected.

2. Study the notes I handed out.

3. Cover your book.

4. Bring in all your materials!

5. Study the diálogo "Primer día de clases"

Tarea 3/El 27 de agosto

2. Study text pages 2-3 and 6-7

3. Do text pages page 6 activity #7 and page 7 activity #8

Tarea 4/El 29 de agosto

Reflexión 2

Worksheet that was completed in class. Write 2 paragraphs with the information you collected.

2. Study the notes I handed out.

3. Cover your book.

4. Bring in all your materials!

5. Study the diálogo "Primer día de clases"

Tarea 3/El 27 de agosto

2. Study text pages 2-3 and 6-7

3. Do text pages page 6 activity #7 and page 7 activity #8

Tarea 4/El 29 de agosto

1. Vocabulary page 53 Vocabulary 1A. Pick 1. Flash cards, Write words 2X Spanish 1X English or a drawing, or Quizlet 1A

2. Memorize your part of "El primer día de case." Fernando: Boys and Anita: Girls

3. Start the Escudo project

"El primer día de clase and the Escudo are due el 5 de septiembre!

Tarea 5/El 31 de agosto

Reflexión 3

What do you do to prepare for the new school year? What do you buy? What time does school start and end? How do you get to school?

What do you do the first day of school? See Remind too.

2. Do "Stem Changing Verbs" worksheet

3. Prepare your part for the presentation "El primer día de clases"

4. Study verb sheet from Spanish 1!

Tarea 6/El 5 de septiembre

1. Study text page 11

2. Do text pages 4 #2 and #3. Do page 11 #14

3. Review Exam of Verbs el 12 de septiembre!! See review sheet I gave you!

Tarea7/El 7 de septiembre

Reflexión 4

How do you use technology? Answer questions in text page 5 #5 in paragraph form. See Remind.

2. Do text pages 5 #4 and page 8 #10

Tarea 8/El 12 de septiembre

Reflexión 5: Mi próximo fin de semana. (My next weekend)

Write an email to a friend to tell them what you are going to do this weekend. (Use the present tense). Please see remind.

2. Study text page 9

3. Do text page 12 #16

4. Study Vocabulary 1B page 53. Use Quizlet or make flashcards or write them out 2X Spanish 1X English

5. Finish your 9/11 Project

Tarea 9/El 14 de septiembre

Reflexión 6: Describe the foto on page 5 in the text. What do you see? Include Who they are. What are their names, where they are from, what they are like, what they are wearing, what they are doing and what they will do later (IR+A+INF).

2. Study pages 14-15 in text

3.. Finish the Present Progressive worksheet Parts A

4. Write a paragraph in English on Mexican Independence Day!

Tarea 10/El 18 de septiembre

1. Texto páginas 10 #12, 13 #18 and 15 #21

2. Study pages in texto 17

3. Parent Signature on Review of Spanish 1 Verbs Test

Important Date: El 25 de septiembre. Examencito on Vocabulary 1A text pages 2-3 and verbs in the present tense!

Tarea 11/El 21 de septiembre

Reflexión 7. Write about what you will do this weekend. Write at least 6-8 sentences. Be sure to underline IR+A +INF!

2. Study text pages 17-18

3. SER/ESTAR worksheet A, B y C


Tarea 12/El 25 de septiembre

Reflexión 8. "Normalmente durante de los fines de semana yo...." Write about what you normally do during the weekends. Write at least 6-8 sentences. Use and underline the present tense.

2. Do worksheet "Past Tense of Regular Verbs" A-D

3. Study the other worksheet "The Past Tense Review"

4. Start thinking about your text conversation project.

Tarea 13/El 27 de septiembre

Reflexión 9. Using the text page 18 #26 write 5 things you did yesterday. 3 things your friend did yesterday and 2 things your family did yesterday. Underling the preterite tense.

2. Do texto pages 16 #22 and 17 #25

3. Do the worksheet "The Past Tense Review" A, B y C

4. Binder check 5 points

5. Start to work on your text project that is due October 5th!!

Tarea 14/El primero de octubre

Reflexón 10

Write 8-10 sentences about your weekend. Underline the preterite 1X and transition phrases 2X.

2. Do text page 19 #27

3. Finish the worksheet "Irregular Verbs In The Past"

4. Quizlet 1B


Tarea 15/El 3 de octubre

Reflexión 11

Text page 21 #32. Answer only the 3 questions listed under the heading "En el pasado"

2. Do text page 28 #2

3. Green worksheet second page C2 "En un café". Do only questions 1-5

4. Finish Text Project!!

Examencito of the regular preterite tense. pages 17-18 October 12th!

Tarea 16/El 5 de octubre

Reflexión 12

Finish text page 21 #32 only ahora questions 4-6

2. Do text page 28 #3

3. Finish worksheet "Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns"

EXAMENCITO ON TEXT PAGES 17-18!!!! On October 12th!!!

El 10 de octubre: Study text pages 17-18!!! for your examencito!

Tarea 17/El 12 de octubre

Reflexión 13 : What did you do last weekend? In email form write at least 8 sentences about your weekend. Underline the preterite tense 1X and the 2 transition phrases 2X.

2. Write a paragraph or 2 in English about el día de la Raza. Was Columbus a villain or a hero? Why?

3. Practice the Irregular Preterite Song from Señor Jordan.

4. Study text pages 30-31 and the sheet I passed out.

Tarea 18/El 16 de octubre

Reflexión 14: Text page 20 #30. Follow directions for the "La semana pasada"

2. Do texto pages 29 #4 and 31 #9

3. Study page 33 and the 2 review sheets I handed out "Reflexive Verbs" and "Uses of the Preterite"

4. Quizlet Vocabulary 2B

Tarea 19/El 18 de octubre

Reflexión 15: Workbook page 10. Answer your friend's questions.

2. Do text pages 30 #18 and 36 #19

3. POR FAVOR Study the green packet and the sheet Affirmative and Negative Expressions


Tarea 20/El 22 de octubre

Reflexión 16: My cruise. Please see Remind. Write an email to a friend talking about a cruise you took (real or imaginary). Where did you go? With whom? How many days? What did you bring? What did you buy? Did you do anything interesting? What did you see? Would you like to return? Why? Please underline the preterite 1X and the vocabulary from 2A, 2X.

2. Do text pages 40 #24 and #25

3. Study the study sheets "The Preterite" and Affirmative and Negative Expressions



Tarea 21/El 24 de octubre

Reflexión 17: Texto página 41 #27

2. Do text pages 34 #15, 37 #21 and 41 #26

3. Study study guide "Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns" Remember to keep studying other grammar points!!

4. Continue working on Skeleton Project that is due October 30th!!

Tarea 22/El 26 de octubre

Reflexión 18: Text page 41 #28. Follow text instructions and interview 2 people in class.

2. Do text page 34 #14

3. Study text page 42

4. Read the sheet I gave you about el día de los Muertos. Please annotate!

5. Skeleton project due!!

6. Finish Survey 1 from classwork if you have not finished!

Tarea 23/El 30 de octubre

Reflexión 19: Mi noche de Halloween ideal. Write 8-10 sentences about an incredible Halloween you experienced. It can be real or imaginary. Be sure to underline the preterite.

2. In class. Write a couple paragraphs in English. How would you explain "El día de los Muertos" to someone who has never heard of it?

Examencito: Vocabulary pages 26-27 and 38-39 and the section "un poco más" November 7th!!

Tarea 24/El primero de noviembre

Reflexión 20. Email form. Write an email to a friend talking about your Halloween. Please include an introduction, body and a farewell. Include in the body of the email: where you went, with whom, for how long, what did you do, what was your costume, what you saw, did you have fun and would you want to do the same thing next year. Include and underline 2X two transition sentences and underline 1X the preterite. Please see Remind.

2. Do text pages 42 #29 and 43 #30

3. Study text page 44

Examencito: Vocabulary pages 26-27 and 38-39 and the section "un poco más" November 7th!!

Tarea 25/El 5 de noviembre

Reflexión 21: Workbook page 21. Please follow instructions!

2. Finish worksheet "More Direct Object Pronouns". Please do A-D

3. Study text page 44 again

Examencito: Vocabulary pages 26-27 and 38-39 and the section "un poco más" November 7th!!

Tarea 26/El 7 de noviembre

Reflexión 22: Text página 46 #37. See Remind for the outline

2. Study text page 44 again and the sheet I handed out in class Direct and Indirect Objects in the Same Sentence

3. Finish worksheet "More Indirect Object Pronouns"

4. Important dates: November 14th, examencito: Preterite text pages 17-18 and blue packet and green packet. November 16th Writing Evaluation on one of the Reflections from Unidad 1. November 27th Exam on Unidad 1. See Study Guide.

Tarea 27/El 27 de noviembre

Reflexión 23: Texto página 45 #36

2. Text pages 44 #32 and #33

3. Hoja de práctica- In Class! "Repaso rápido" Using direct and indirect object pronouns together.


Examencito Preterite el 29 de noviembre. Study text pages 17-18 and the chart in the blue packet!!

El 3 de diciembre: Written Evaluation from your reflections. Review your reflections as one will be chosen as the test.

El 5 de diciembre: Scantron Exam. Please see your study guide.

Tarea 28/El 29 de noviembre

Reflexión 24: Write an email to a friend about a trip you took real or imaginary. Be sure to include an introduction, body and farewell. Use at least 2 transition phrases. Include in your body. Where you went. With whom. For how long. What you brought. What you did. What you saw. What you bought and finally would you like to return one day. Why? Please underline the preterite 1X and the transition phrases 2X.

2. Study for the written evaluation of your reflexiones. I will pick on that we already wrote! The directions will be in English so there will be no confusion!

3. In class do text page 24 B, C and D

Important Date: El 5 de diciembre: Scantron Exam. Please see your study guide.

Tarea el 3 de diciembre

Study for your Unidad 1 Exam. Please see study guide.

Tarea 29/El 5 de diciembre

Reflexion 25: My last birthday. Write an email to a friend talking about your last birthday. Be sure to include an introduction, body and a farewell. Please include where it took place. Whom did you invite. What did you guys do. What did you want to receive. What did your parents gift you. What did your friends gift you. What was your favorite gift and why. What did you serve (eat). What time did the party start and what time did it end. Did you have fun. Please underline the preterite 1X and include 2 transitional phrases and underline them 2X.

2. Study text page 60

3. Do text page 61 #8

4. Quizlet Qué Chévere Unidad 2 Vocabulario A

Tarea30/El 7 de diciembre

Reflexión 26: Text page 59 #5. Underline all reflexive verbs!

2. Do text pages 58 #2 and #3 and page 59 #4

3. Study page 71

Tarea 31/El 11 de diciembre

Reflexión 27:Mi rutina. Write an email talking about your midweek routine in the morning. Include: What time you wake up, get up, bathe or shower brush your teeth and hair, have breakfast, what you eat for breakfast and who takes you to school. Underline the reflexive verbs 1X and the transitions phrase 2X.

My routine before leaving for school. Write an email to a friend about your mourning routine before leaving for school. Be sure to include an introduction, body and farewell. Underline all reflexive verbs and use at least 2 transition sentences.

2. Texto page 62 #10 and #11 AND page 66 #18

3. Study text page 64 and the study sheet : "Los verbos reflexivos"

IMPORTANT DATE! El 17 de diciembre Vocabulary Examencito on Vocabulary 2A!

Tarea 32/El 13 de diciembre

Reflexión 28: My Classmates Routine: Interview a classmate and then write a paragraph about their routine. Please underline all reflexive verbs. Interview questions.

1. Do you like to get up early or late? 2. Do you bathe or shower in the morning or in the afternoon? 3. Do you make your bed every day? 4. Do you listen to music before you go to bed? 5. What do eat for breakfast? 6. Do you go to bed early or late? 7. Do you take a long time to get ready in the morning?

2. Study text page 71

3. Finish the worksheet "Reflexive Verbs" that we started in class.


Tarea 33/El 17 de diciembre

Reflexión 29:My routine yesterday. Write an email talking about your midweek routine in the morning. Include: What time you woke up, got up, bathed or showered brushed your teeth and hair, had breakfast, what you ate for breakfast and who took you to school. Underline the reflexive verbs 1X and the transitions phrase 2X.

2. Do text page 64 #15 4-7 and text page 71 #28

3. Study page 73

4. Quizlet Vocabulary 2B: Pages 80-81

Tarea 34/El 19 de diciembre

Reflexión 30: Mis vacaciones de invierno. Write an email to a friend about your winter vacation. Explain to him/her what you did. Include an introduction, body and a farewell. Use at least 2 transitional phrases and underline the preterite 1X. See Remind as well!

2. In Class "Christmas in Mexico"

Happy Holidays!

Tarea 35/El 7 de enero 2019!!!

Reflexión 31: Write an email to a friend about your favorite day of your vacation. See Remind, Make sure to have an intro, body and farewell. Underline the preterite 1X and transition phrases 2X.

2. Do text page 82 #2 and #3 and page 88#14

3. Finish worksheet "To like"

4. Study pages 84 and 93.

IMPORTANT DATES! January 11th I will collect your binder!! AND there will be an examencito on reflexive verbs present tense and preterite!!

January 15 and 17 you will present your "Preguntas personales" Personal questions from Spanish 1!!

Tarea 36/El 9 de enero

Reflexión 32: Workbook page 32. Underline all reflexive verbs!

2. Do text page 84#7, 89 #16 and 93#23

3. Study text page 96

4. EXAMENCITO : Reflexive verbs in the present and the preterite. See pages 60 and 71 to see the grammar strcture


Tarea 37/El 11 de enero

Reflexión 33: Text page 97 #31. Underline all prepositions

2. Text pages 91 #19 and 97 #30

3. Finish the yellow worksheet both sides

4. Quizlet Chapter 3A. Pages 108-109 and 118-119 in text. A lot of questions on the Final about this vocabulary

EXAMENCITO: Personal Questions

Tarea 38/El 15 de enero

Reflexión 34: Do text page 111 #5. Answer the questions and underline the new vocabulary

2. Do text pages 110 #2 and #3 and page 119 #20 only part B

3. Study 112

4. Those students that did not do "Preguntas personales" please study!!