Frequently Asked Questions

My child keeps bringing home books that are too hard or too easy.

One of the most important things a child can do in their library class is explore the library! The more books students come across, the more they will think of themselves as readers. Students who are encouraged to choose their own books are more likely to develop a lifelong love of reading and learning. Over time, students will learn methods to make more thoughtful selections, such as I-PICK and the Five Finger Test. It's okay if your child chooses a library book that is too hard or too easy, as long as they are satisfied with their choice.

​My child keeps bringing home the same books.

If a child is feeling worried or uncertain about what kind of book to choose, they often default to familiar topics and characters, or books they have heard their friends or teachers talk about. This is fine. (It's exactly how adults choose books, too!) Encourage them to share why they like those books. Talking about books is one of the best ways children can share their love of reading and grow as readers.

Shouldn't my child be reading “Just Right” books?

In the library, kids don't have to read a book simply because it's at their level. Does the book look interesting? Does your child want to know more about the topic? Some children may want to take a risk or try something new, and some may want to read the same books all the time. That's okay!​

How do I know they understand what they are reading?

As your child learns about what it means to be a reader, they will learn to think and reflect as they read. Do they understand what's going on in the story? Can they make predictions about what might happen next? Even if they don't know all the words, it's okay. On the other hand, if they don't understand the story, even if they can read the words, the book may frustrate them.

What books should my child be reading?

Your child should be reading books they like! Take a look at Destiny or our newsletters for book ideas, or ask a teacher or librarian. We are always happy to give recommendations.

What if we lose our books?