Third Grade

Mrs. Peterson’s P.E. at Home

(3rd Grade)

No Equipment Activities

· In a safe space, practice the following types of planks: push-up position on hands; on both elbows with forearms flat on floor; sideways on one elbow with other arm stretched to ceiling (feet slightly apart on the floor for balance); sideways on one hand with both arms extended like a T (feet stacked for added challenge). How long can you hold each position? Which one is your favorite? Which is most challenging?

· With grown-up supervision, maintain a safe static balance for at least 5 seconds with one base (example: stand on one foot), two bases (examples: one hand & one foot; two feet), three bases (examples: two hands & one foot; two feet & one hand) 4 bases (example: two feet & two hands). Try facing the floor, then turn over toward the ceiling without toppling over.

Can you create other upright (head up, higher than hips) static (still, stuck, statue) balances with 1,2,3,4, or even 5 bases?

Can you match someone else's balance?

Can you demonstrate an upright dynamic balance (moving like dance, martial arts, skating)?

Make Your Own Equipment Ideas (Get permission & grown-up help first)

· Make a hopscotch game or sensory path on your driveway or sidewalk.

· Make a bean bag by rolling socks into a ball and then pressing it down flat.

· Use a soup can or bottle of water as a hand weight.

· Place an empty coffee can on the floor & practice overhand and underhand throws to get a paper ball into it. Lay it on the floor between two books, try to roll or strike a ball into it.

· Place a sheet of paper over your heart & start walking. While walking, let go of the paper & try to keep it from falling by walking quickly (no hands)! If you go too fast, it will blow away; too slow, it will fall. What do you think keeps the paper in place & why?

Partner Activities

· Each partner starts with a ball. Toss the ball in the air toward each other to switch balls. Count how many completed passes you can achieve in one minute. Then try with a group of 3.

· Face a partner with a ball. Take turns passing it back & forth, taking a step back after each successful (completed) pass.

· Partners face each other with arms extended and hold hands. Try to gently tag your partner’s feet using your toes. Who can earn 10 points first?

Brain & Body Challenges

· Place coins in a pile about 6 feet away. Skip to the pile to retrieve one coin- do the matching exercise to earn the coin. Continue until you have collected all of the coins. How many cents did you earn in all?

Penny = 1 cent = 1 push-up

Nickel = 5 cents = 5 squats

Dime = 10 cents = 10 mountain climbers

Quarter = 25 cents = 25 jumping jacks