
Roboboat 2024 Team Introduction Video

Team AMORE Roboboat 2024 Video.mp4

Team AMORE RobotX Update Presentation

Team AMORE.mp4

Roboboat 2023 Technical Paper

Click on the following link to see Team AMORE's Technical Paper for the Roboboat 2023 Competition:

Design and Development of an Autonomous Kayak for the 2023 Roboboat Competition

Roboboat 2023 Team Introduction Video

Click on the following link to see Team AMORE's Team Introduction Video for the Roboboat 2023 Competition:

Team AMORE Introduction Video

RobotX 2022 Design Presentation

Click on the following link to see Team AMORE's Design Presentation for the 2022 RobotX Competition:

Team AMORE: RobotX 2022

RobotX 2022 Technical Paper

Click on the following link to see Team AMORE's Technical Paper for the RobotX Competition:

Development of an Autonomous Maritime System for the 2022 RobotX Challenge

RobotX 2022 Team Introduction Video

Click on the following link to see Team AMORE's Team Introduction Video for the RobotX 2022 Competition:

Team AMORE Introduction Video

Virtual RobotX Challenge User Manual

VRX User Manual

1.0 General Information

Before beginning the VRX tutorials, make sure you have a linux system that can run ROS (robot operating system) on your host machine. To do this go to the following website: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation and install the latest version of ROS. For the 2022 VRX competition, we used ROS Noetic. For future competitions, the recommended ROS version may be something different, so check with the VRX staff. A recommended video for dual booting a windows 10 system can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iSAyiicyQY. This is just an example video that some of the group members followed; there are many others available on youtube.

1.1 System Setup 

To begin, go to the following link: https://github.com/osrf/vrx/wiki. Select tutorials, system setup, and Option A: Configure Your Host Machine. You could also use a docker image, but this is not recommended. Continue following the tutorial by running all the commands in your terminal window.

1.2 VRX Interfaces and Customization

The VRX community gives some tutorials of methods on how to drive the boat, which can be found at: https://github.com/osrf/vrx/wiki/vrx_api_tutorials. There are also tutorials on how to customize vrx, by creating a custom WAM-V which is useful for the final submission. It also allows you to test with different WAM-V configurations. To do this, follow the instructions on the following webpage: https://github.com/osrf/vrx/wiki/customizing_vrx_tutorials

1.3 Setting up Team AMORE’s 2022 VRX workspace 

By now, you should have ROS installed and be able to run gazebo with some example environments. The team’s github can be found at: https://github.com/lssuamore/vrx_amore. If you are logged in on another account you will need to sign out and sign into the teams account To login into github, use the following username: amore@lssu.edu and password: robotx2022. Follow the README.md file to clone the package and get it up and running. A common error that is encountered is when a ROS custom message can not be found. 

This occurs when the ROS compiler tries to compile a code file before the ROS custom messages. To eliminate this, comment out all of the (add_executable) and (target_link_libraries) files in the CMakeLists.txt file and catkin_make again. After this is completed, uncomment the same files and catkin_make once again and everything should build. 

Video: Repo Setup VRX.mp4

1.4 Repository Structure 

See below all of the ROS nodes within the programs that were used for the VRX 2022 competition tasks 1-4.

The setup of the code uses one ROS .launch file to launch the geonav_transform package, and 5 .cpp executables. The geonav_transform package is used for converting ECEF latitude longitude coordinates to a local NED fixed frame to work out of. The 5 .cpp executables include mission_control, path_planner, navigation_array, perception_array, and propulsion_system. The mission_control monitors the state of the current VRX task and sets the states of the other executables. path_planner was designed to handle computing trajectories and feeding them to the propulsion_system. navigation_array publishes ECEF states to nav_odom so that geonav_transform is able to subscribe and publish its conversion to a local ENU frame to "geonav_odom". navigation_array subscribes to all the VRX task topics because the units of objects and poses given by VRX are in ECEF units and need conversion to the local NED working frame. All conversions happen in navigation_array because conversions have to be done by publishing to the "nav_odom" node, and this can't be done from multiple executables unless perhaps different namespaces are used. perception_array uses OpenCV to do image processing through the use of two singular lense cameras placed on the USV payload tray. propulsion_system handles outputting the angles and thrusts to the motors. Currently, the propulsion_system is only using a station-keeping controller designed for a dual-azimuthing controller.

1.4.1 Launching 

How to launch the code used for the vrx competition is shown step by step below as well as in a video. By this point in the tutorial you should have a working repository that catkin_makes without any errors. If not please follow section 1.3 on how to set up team AMORE’s 2022 VRX workspace.

Video: VRX Launch.mp4

1.5 Docker submission

The VRX docker tutorials can be found at the following link: https://github.com/osrf/vrx/wiki/tutorials-vrx_make_competitor_image. Following tutorial will cover how to do option 1. Some important commands that the team used during submission are as follows:

1.5.1 Docker Step by Step

First, start with a clean container with ros noetic as a base by typing the following command in the terminal window.

my_container is the name of your container and you can choose what you want.

Your terminal prompt should change to an interactive bash session like below. Then, install your text editor of choice

Replace nano with your text editor of choice, but for now we used nano.

Use the text editor to edit the ros_entrypoint.sh file

Copy the file below– yours should look exactly the same as shown.

Open the run_my_system.bash file

See the example below of what the team used. Your source might be something different depending on what your repository is called. Your launch file also might be something different, but it should resemble the same command you would use to launch from the command line.

Run to make the file executable

Before exiting the bash shell, we need to copy the repository from the host machine onto the docker container. To do this use:

  For the team we used:

Where my_container is the name of the container and to find this use:

Don’t exit just yet. Now, you have to catkin make the repository exactly how you would on your linux machine. This will be shown more explicitly in the video.

 After that you can now exit the container

You will now need to commit and then push your container to your docker account by following the commands below with your container information.

AUTHOR_NAME is your name.

USERNAME must match the username of your Dockerhub account.

CONTAINER_ID must be the container id. You would have seen this when using “docker container ls”.

IMAGE_NAME should describe your image. It will be used to find your image locally and on Docker Hub.

TAG can be anything, but we recommend you use it to store version information. Start with version 1 and so on.

If you want to make changes to your image use:

This commands lets you access the inside of your container to make edits. Since the entrypoint will be set to ros_entrypoint.sh everytime you run your container, it will just run the .sh file. This command will bypass that and bring up the bash shell.

This is an example of ${USERNAME}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} that the team used at one point: amore2122/amore_phase3_try:v3. It can also be found on your docker hub on the docker website. You should have set all this information while using the docker commit command. 

After you edit your file, you will have to exit the bash shell by typing exit. You will have to recommit your changes by using 

You should know how to use this by doing the above. To find the container id you can use “docker ps -all” to locate the container. If it has a different name than you originally named it don't be alarmed, docker changes the names.

After committing, you will then need to push your changes to docker.

You should already know how to use this from above. Username is the docker username and image name is whatever you named your image like above. Tag is the version you're working on, so in this case, it would probably be v2 if you originally pushed v1.

To submit your docker image to vrx, please follow the instructions on the following link: https://github.com/osrf/vrx/wiki/submission_process. This is the tutorial that the team followed and it is very well done and easy to follow.

Video: Docker#1.mp4

Video: Docker#2.mp4

1.5.2 Docker Example Run

To run your docker image separately, use the following command:

Where username is your docker username and image name is whatever you called the image. Tag is the version you want to run. When executing this command, ros should launch something like this:

Where rosmaster should begin to launch followed by whatever your code output is.

At the following link, you will see vrx tutorials on how to troubleshoot and run the container: https://github.com/osrf/vrx/wiki/tutorials-vrx_docker_troubleshooting

The following tutorial will be covered in more detail below by a video: https://github.com/osrf/vrx/wiki/vrx_2022-testing

Video: Docker test.mp4

1.6 GitHub

At the highest level, github is a website and cloud-based service that helps code developers store and manage their code, as well as track and control changes to their code. Team Amore used it to share code with the University of Bolzano, as well as share code between team members. The push command is used to upload new changes to the local repository, and the pull command updates your local machine with the new changes. The following will show how to push/pull new existing code from github:


Pull requests: 

Video: Git push.mp4

Video: Git pull.mp4

One problem the team ran into while trying to push and pull, is sometimes you will need to delete your build and devel folders if your first push/pull is unsuccessful. Also, if you update code while somebody else is updating code, you will have to pull the most recent changes before you push your new stuff. So make sure you save an extra copy of the changes you made because your changes on your local machine will get overwritten when pulling from master.

Team AMORE Senior Project Description 


Team AMORE Stereo Vision with Autonomy 

Robotx video.mp4

Pool Testing
