Health & Safety

What steps has Lynnville-Sully CSD taken to ensure staff & student safety during onsite learning?

  • Continued use of several electrostatic disinfecting sprayers. View electrostatic sprayer video to learn more: Victory Handheld Electrostatic Sprayer

  • Masks will be available for staff and student use, however they are not required.

  • Safety equipment such as hand sanitizer, thermometers, and gloves will be available in schools on a continual basis.

  • The district has 25 hand sanitizer stations at high traffic areas in the school.

  • Additional signage on how to stop the spread of COVID-19, properly wash hands, promote everyday protective measures will be on display in buildings.

  • Consistent scheduled times, procedures, and opportunities will be established throughout the day for hand hygiene and promoting ​hand washing​.

  • Drinking fountains will be available, however, students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to fill up throughout the day.

  • School district officials will consult with Jasper County Public Health officials for guidance specific to our local schools as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will students or staff be required to wear a face mask or face shield?

On May 18, 2021, the Lynnville-Sully School Board decided a mask mandate would no longer be in place for students or staff. Additionally, Governor Reynolds signed House File 847 on May 20, 2021, prohibiting school districts from requiring masks.

Students and staff are welcome to wear masks based on their personal preference or individual health needs.

The school district strives to create a culture where face masks, face shields, and social distancing when possible are socially-acceptable practices. Students harassing other students or staff for wearing a face mask and/or face shield will not be tolerated.

*Please note this and any other guidelines are subject to change based on updated guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health, The Iowa Department of Education, or the Governor's Office.

How will I know whether or not to send my child to school?

Please refer to the "Stay Home When" resource on our website.

Students who believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 in or outside of the school setting are not required to quarantine. Students should monitor for symptoms and coordinate with their doctor/county health officials to make decisions related to COVID exposure.

In the event that a family elects to keep a non-symptomatic student home due to possible exposure, students will receive an excused absence due to illness. Students will be allowed to submit any work they miss while absent upon their return to school, as well as make up any missed assessments, following the same approach used when students are absent due to illness. Families should notify the school nurse with information about the date of return.

What happens if there is a positive case of COVID-19 in the school building?

School officials will work with the parents/guardians of any student who tests positive with COVID-19 to provide them with guidance as per the Iowa Department of Public Health guidelines.

What happens if a student is suspected of having COVID-19?

If a staff member suspects a student has COVID-19 symptoms, the student will be sent to the nurse's area for evaluation. Students who are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 may be evaluated in a separate space from the nurse's office to mitigate the risk of transmission to those students who are using the nurses office for routine care.

How will we support the needs of students who have identified chronic health needs?

Justine Wyma, school nurse, will communicate with families of high risk students to help determine the best course of action.

What is the school district doing to keep the school clean and disinfected?

Cleaning and Disinfection Practices

Lynnville-Sully Community Schools custodial department is dedicated to providing clean, safe, and well-maintained environments that support all educational activities. Custodial Services cleaning practices focus on cleaning for health, which includes an emphasis on disinfection of health sensitive areas, where bacteria or viruses are most likely to be transmitted.

There is a greater emphasis on disinfection activities during cold and flu season. The disinfection of health sensitive areas is a priority and this work is required at all times, including times when there is a shortage of custodial staffing.

When a specific health concern arises, the Custodial Services department consults with the district Health Services department, Jasper County Public Health Department, and the Iowa Department of Public Health and Environment to ensure that appropriate and timely measures are taken to preserve the health and safety of all students, staff, and community.

Spray Bottle Disinfection Method

Custodial Services uses the spray bottle method for cleaning health sensitive areas. Oxivir disinfectant, used to clean all health sensitive areas, has the ability to kill germs and bacteria when remaining wet on the surface for 1 minute. Custodial services also use Alpha disinfectant, which has the ability to kill germs and bacteria when remaining wet on the surface for 6 minutes. The EPA registration number for Oxivir is 7062774. The EPA registration number for Alpha is 7062762. The spray bottle method eliminates any possibility of cross contamination and assures that the focus is on cleaning for health.

Coronavirus Response

Custodial Services will be using electrostatic sprayers to assist in disinfection procedures. Depending on the situation we will be using Oxivir or Alpha in the sprayers. If there is a suspected/confirmed case of Coronavirus in a school the electrostatic sprayers with Oxivir/Alpha can be used in disinfecting the building or areas within a building as part of disinfecting all surfaces to eliminate or reduce the possibility of transmission. Custodians will be increasing their frequency of daily cleaning of critical touch points to several times during the day. Additional bottles of disinfectant and hand sanitizer stations have been added as well in the classrooms and activity areas. Masks are available upon request. New hand sanitizer dispenser stations have been added in the school district.