Release Forms


General Release Form

Use this for any person appearing in your production that is not a student or staff member in the LRHSD.

*You do not need a form for any student or staff member that appears in your production.

Location Release Form

Any production shot on private property needs this form signed by the owner/representative of the property. Productions shot on pubic property do not need a signed form.

*This includes private homes of students. Any production shot on property owned by LRHSD does not need a signed form.

Music Release Form

If your production uses a song that is not royalty free or in the creative commons, you need this form signed by the artist or rights holder.

*If the artist grants permission as long as credit is given, make sure you do so.

Video Release Form

If your production uses video or photographs that are not your own and are not royalty free or in the creative commons, you need this form signed by the original artist or rights holder.