The ABCs of Fourth Grade

A: All Aboard

B: Birthdays


C: Communication

The following are the various forms of communication we will be using:

The best way to reach us is through email. We will respond within 24 hours. However, if there is a message regarding a change in the end-of-day plan for your student, please call the office and let them know. Our days are full, and many times we may not check our email until after school. 

This year we will use ClassDojo to share photos of our activities and more. Please make sure you are connected. 

At the beginning of each month, we will send out a newsletter to the emails you provided in Infinite Campus. These will inform you of what we will be studying in the upcoming weeks, important dates to remember, and reminders. We promise to keep it to the point and brief if you promise to read it! We truly appreciate you reading through this monthly communication. 

Google Classroom is a tool we will use frequently for managing and completing student work online. 

This website will continue to be added to with resources as the year progresses.

D: Daily Schedule

E: Expected Behaviors


F: Flexible Seating

G: Grading

4 – Exceeds Grade-Level Expectations

3 – Meets Grade-Level Expectations

2 – Approaching Grade-Level Expectations

1 – Does Not Meet Grade-Level Expectations


H: Health and Wellness

Your child will need to remain home for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea.


I: Independence

Increasing independence is a goal for all students in 4th grade because it builds self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as prepares them for the upper grades. 

Students will work to: 

J: Journey


K: Keep Updated


L: Library


 M: Mindset

N: National Park Pass

Get it here!

 O: Outdoor Time

P: Parties


Q: Questions


R: Runyon Rams


 S: Snack

T: Technology


U: Unique


V: Volunteers


W: Water Bottles


X: X-Citing Field Trips


Y: You


Z: ZZZ’s


We look forward to partnering with you to make this a successful year full of learning, fun and growth for your child!

 -Mrs. Blosser, Ms. Mack, and Ms. Vaccaro