Science and Social Studies

Science Expectations for 4th Grade Students:

  • Physical Science: Recognize that energy comes in many forms such as light, heat, sound, magnetic, chemical, and electrical and can move from place to place; understand collisions between objects can impact motion; recognize that waves have regular patterns of motion, and that patterns can be used to encode, send, receive, and decode information, explain how an object can be seen.

  • Life Science: Recognize that organisms have both internal and external structures that serve various functions, and describe how animals receive and process information through their senses.

  • Earth and Space Science: Understand how Earth has changed over time, and how energy and fuels that humans use are derived from natural sources and their uses affect the environment in multiple ways.

Social Studies Expectations for 4th Grade Students:

  • History: Explain the role of individuals, diverse cultural groups, and ideas in the historical development of Colorado; organize and sequence events in Colorado history in chronological order; recognize the connections between important Colorado events and important events in the history of the United States.

  • Geography: Use maps to ask and answer questions about the geography of Colorado and to understand the interactions between humans and their environment.

  • Economics: Explain the relationship between choice and “opportunity cost” (the value of something that you give up when choosing something else).

  • Personal Financial Literacy: Define positive and negative incentives.

  • Civics: Discuss multiple perspectives on an issue; explain the formation and structure of Colorado state government (General Assembly, Judicial, and Executive branches).