Illustrated Words

Illustrated Words:

In this exercise you will be creating 4 canvases illustrating words that you come up with. You will be illustrating the word using only the letters of the word. You will not be able to change the color or add any additional shapes. This is an exercise in creativity and problem solving.

Illustrated Words Step by Step

  • Open Illustrator and create a new document.
  • Using the text tool type your word and choose an appropriate font for your given word.
  • Choose the Selection Tool (Black Arrow) and click on the word.
    • Click on Type>Create Outlines
    • Then Object>Ungroup
  • *Next click away from the word anywhere on the canvas. Now click on a letter and you will see that particular letter is selected.
    • Your word is no longer a font and can not be edited as one, so make sure the font you choose is the one you want to stick with. Each letter has now become a vector graphic that you can edit anyway that you want.
  • Using the Direct Selection Tool (White Arrow) you can click on individual anchors and handles in order to stretch and pull your letters any way you would like.
  • When finished with a word go to File>Export and save as a .jpeg.
  • Repeat with all 4 words.
Illustrated Words Examples


  1. What was the hardest part in finding a way to illustrate your given words?
  2. Did this exercise give you a better understanding of how the selection and direct selection tools work?
  3. What was your favorite word to illustrate and why?
  4. What was your least favorite word to illustrate and why?