Class Book Tracker

30 Book Goal

This year I am challenging my students to push their reading by reading 30 or more books by the end of the school year.  I know that sounds like a lot of reading, but really it is less than one book per week.  "Books" can encompass so much - picture books, chapter books, audio books, shared reading books at home, manuals, recipes, podcasts, magazines, etc. The books you choose should be a just right reading level.  If you fall behind ask yourself a couple of questions.  First, "Am I reading at least 45-60 minutes per day?" Also, "Am I choosing books that are a just right reading level?" Finally, "Am I balancing my fiction and non-fiction reading?" Branch out - find new texts to love, explore new genres, and try new authors. You never know what book will change your reading life! 

Our Class Book Goal Tracker

Book Tracker 23-24