Tips For Mrs. Potts' Classroom

At the end of the school year, I ask my departing students to share their wisdom about how to have a successful year in my classroom.

Here is their genius advice:

  • DO NOT fall asleep!

  • Work very hard on EVERYTHING

  • Write A LOT of "Class Shoutouts" - They Always Brighten Your Day

  • Make goals for yourself

  • Don't take anything for granted


  • Study everything you can for tests (I love flashcards, especially colorful ones)

  • Do your best with everything

  • Pay attention

  • Finish your homework on time and if you don't, just tell Mrs. Potts, don't hide it!

  • Be kind to other people

  • Don't say negative things

  • Don't stop believing in yourself!

  • Be nice to Mrs. Potts

  • Be confident

  • Encourage yourself to do well

  • Take your time

  • Be a leader not a boss

  • Never give up

  • Wear green because it will make Mrs. Potts happy

  • Have fun!

  • Always ask questions

  • Choose your attitude, choose to be happy

  • Even if Mrs. Potts' jokes aren't funny, laugh anyway :)

  • Respect your classmates

  • Don't be afraid of color

  • Every day is a new day, so don't dwell on bad things that happened

  • Speak your feelings


  • Don't try to change other people

  • Don't leave your chair out because Mrs. Potts is clumsy

  • Never say "I can't" because you can

  • Give 100% all day every day

  • If you have an answer to a question be brave and say it, even if it might be wrong

  • Be honest

  • Make friends

  • Always put your best foot forward

  • Listen and be thoughtful in what you do

  • If you have a bad day at home walk into school and make it better

  • Take a guess once in a while, mistakes help us learn

  • Don't be nervous

  • If you have a long time on an assignment start early!

  • Be able to laugh at yourself

  • Go easy when you need to, but work hard when you need to

  • Live in the moment

  • Take your time on assignments

  • Check over your work

  • Give Mrs. Potts lots of hugs, she loves them!!!!

  • Trust yourself

  • Watch your talking, it will distract you and other people