Book Projects

Book Project Guidelines: 

Once you have mastered summary writing on your blog, you can then choose what type of post you would like to complete moving forward. Here are some ideas you can choose from. 

Here are some things to help you with your Book Projects: 

Book Project Options: 

Amazon Book Review - Give it 1-5 stars and explain what you thought. Be Specific and Edit. If your review is awesome, we may upload it to 

Video Reflection - Using the FlipGrid or SeeSaw, you can take a video of you discussing the book and your thoughts. Make sure this is a strong reflection of something - character, theme, etc and then upload it to your blog. 

Podcast Reviews - Use the presentation to find Podcasts to listen to and then give them a review. Share what you learned, what you enjoyed, and what you didn't. 

Social Media Layouts - Post about your book using the social media layouts in the slide deck (Tweet, Instagram Post, Facebook Post)

Google Slide Template Ideas # 1 - Tweeting, Character Recipe, Email Template, # Themes, etc

Google Slide Template Ideas #2 - Story Stickers, Playlist, Design a New Cover, Movie Poster, etc

Build a Set - Make a diorama or something that shows something that stuck out to you from the book

Blooket - Make a test about the book you finished and give it to someone else who read the book

Make a Board Game - Create a game based on the book you read

Get Creative - If you have a fun idea let me know :) 

Book Projects (listed below): 

You will need to make a copy of each template you use FIRST!!! 

Directions for Making a Copy of a Project

Click on this link or the document below to access all the links to each Project! 

Book Project Options
Write, Make, Perform Book Projects