Classroom Mission Statement

These 'Classroom Pillars" were created to represent our 2022-2023 class of 5th graders. It was brainstormed entirely by them after some beginning of the year discussions and picture books about what we need to accomplish together this year in four main areas - Collaboration, Communication, Listening, and Kindness. As always, I was thoroughly impressed by their ability to create such a strong vision for our classroom and who they want to be. We will hold each other to these things during our year together.

Class Motto: "Failure is just another word for success." 

Our 5th Grade "Pillars": 


-Talking and Communication Matter

-Trust Each Other


-Listen to Each Other and Our Ideas

-Work Together

-Think Before You Speak

-Help Each Other

-Focus and Stay on Topic


-Ask Questions


-Make Sure Everyone Knows What is Happening

- Quality Work

-Share Ideas

-Be Honest


- Watch Blurting Out

-Raise Your Hand

-Have Think Time

-Team Talk

-Be Respectful - Your Words Matter

-Think About Jokes and How They Can Impact Others


-Think About Non-Verbal Behaviors

-Eye Contact

-Excitement vs Bragging

-Ask and Answer Questions

-Self-Advocate - Know What You Need and ASK FOR IT

-Find the Right Person Who Can Support What You Need


-Look at Each Other

-Think About Your Body Gestures and Facial Expressions

-Give Wait Time

-Avoid Distractions - Talking Off Topic

-Acknowledge Who Is Speaking and Ask Them Questions

-Admit if You Lost Focus Need a Repeat

-Show Them You Are "There"

-Ask "What Do You Need?"

-Don't Be One-Sided In Your Discussions


-Say "Yes" to Being Inclusive

-Treat People Like Family

-No Gossiping or Talking Behind People's Back

-Respect People's Boundaries

-Take Care of Each Other When You Collaborate

-Be Welcoming

-Help Out!!

-Accept People For Who They Are/Have Global Awareness

-Have Empathy

-Apologize and Mean It

-Avoid the Group Mentality

-Respect People with Kind Words

-Be An Upstander Not a Bystander

-Have Good Sportsmanship

-Be Positive

-Think Before You Speak

-"Don't Add Fuel to the Fire"


-Think Of Others