Coping Skills

Coping Skills are things that make you feel better when you are stressed, sad, or upset. Coping skills can be healthy (positive coping skills) or unhealthy (negative coping skills). Examples of negative coping skills include self-medication, fighting, and avoidance. Some coping skills that seem positive, like sleep, can also become negative if they are used excessively. Examples of positive coping skills include:

  • Positive distraction -- watching a TV show or movie you like, reading a book, etc.

  • Physical activity -- taking a walk, stretching or doing yoga, playing a sport, hiking...

  • Rest and relaxation -- taking a hot shower or bubble bath, short naps...

  • Social connection -- spending time with friends and family, meeting new people

  • Engaging in activities/hobbies -- doing things that you love, like playing video games, creating art, writing in a journal...

Other examples might include cuddling a pet, getting fresh air and sunshine, listening to music, and so much more.

Here are some great resources that can help you learn and practice healthy coping strategies:

Calming Corner

Explore below for links to various soothing sounds and visuals to calm your mind & body.