

Attention Students and Parents:  Did you know that Littleton High School offers free one-on-one tutoring during the school day, as well as after school?  Tutoring is provided by junior and senior National Honor Society (NHS) members in the LHS Counseling office.  We will partner students based on specific subject and curriculum needs, so we can find an NHS member who is competent, comfortable, and confident with teaching their fellow peers in that subject or curriculum.  If you would like to obtain an ongoing tutor or a tutor to help out as needed please stop by the counseling office and visit your counselor. 


Honor Roll starts at 3.0 for SEMESTER grades:

Honorable Mention: 3.0-3.4

Honor Roll: 3.5-3.7

High Honor Roll: 3.8-4.0

Highest Honor Roll: 4.1 and above


Academic Lettering:

Based on CUMULATIVE GPA of 3.5 and above.  Student must have attended LHS for 1 year prior to award.

Graduation: (determined at completion of 7th semester)

Graduation with Honors: CUM GPA of 3.5-3.7

Graduation with High Honors: CUM GPA of 3.8-4.0

Graduation with Highest Honors: CUM GPA of 4.1 and above