Check out our problem solving and coming up with solutions with Wally. Inside cold days were made a little better by an obstacle course and active game play.

We made a leprechaun trap for St. Patrick's Day!

THANK YOU to Suzie for leading a Yoga class in preschool!

Hiking Tikes Preschool made our turtle shells and practiced using our feelings shield.

A HUGE THANK YOU TO DOW! She is a friend and the author and illustrator of HUGSBY! She read, sang, and drew for our class. So awesome! Please checkout her books and art, such a sweet talent.

We are incredible builders! And take a glimpse inside our classroom including Ms. Sharon from Spellbinders at story time. Thank you to Char's mom for visiting and reading Angry Octopus.

February: Delivering our Valentine's/Friendship Day. And puzzles have been very popular!

We went on a nature walk to look for the changes of the season. Our Thankful Turkey has feathers from each child, that they made and shared. We used leaves to make leaf people, aliens, dogs, monsters and more!

November is off to a great start! A BIG THANK YOU to Angela (Nurse/EMT), Erika (Police Officer), and Nick (Fire Fighter) that came to share their professions with preschool! THANK YOU to Beatriz Hatz for talking to us about the Paralympics and her job!

October 2021:We have had fun doing Fall art, enjoying beautiful Colorado weather, yoga, and so much more!

THANK YOU to Mr. Ruff for sharing his construction profession to the class!

Mrs. Alpern came in to talk about RAMS High 5 tickets. Please look in the hall behind our door at pick up for the green tickets your child has earned!

THANK YOU to all the parent volunteers, PTO, and donors to help Moody exceed our goal! YOU ROCKED The Color Run!

And THANK YOU to Christine for sharing your profession with the class!

21/22 School year is underway! We have been exploring the room, playground, making friends and learning about each other. Happy to be in school!

Dina and Wally came to visit Hiking Tikes Preschool! Dinosaur School (Social/Emotional Curriculum) is underway. Please look out for your Home/School Connection (Homework) to come home.

A peak inside Preschool! A small look inside our room and our free choice time.

WOW! The dreams of an outdoor classroom extension and improved Preschool playground are finally coming into reality. We are able to enjoy lunches and snacks as a class! There is room for teachers to join the children at the tables and bring activities outdoors. We have been outdoors whenever Colorado weather allows. We are feeling very thankful to all the families and organizations that have come together to help with this endeavor. Hiking Tikes Preschool is feeling the love!

Meet Wally! This is a peek at Dinosaur School and a talk with Wally about school rules and consequences. The kids just light up when Wally comes to visit!