Daily Schedule

2021/2022 Preschool Daily Schedule

8:00am-8:30am Preschool opens/Outside Play/Inside Gross Motor Play (if inclement weather) 8:30am-8:40am Bathroom/Handwashing/Independent Reading

8:40am-9:00am Morning Group (Attendance/Whole Group/Opening Procedures)

9:00am-10:25am Free Choice Centers

10:25am-10:40am Clean Up/Bathroom/Handwashing

10:40am-11:00am Large Group Creative Curriculum/Dinosaur School

11:00am-11:10am Bathroom/Handwashing

11:10am-11:40am Lunch

11:40am-12:10pm Outside Play/Inside Gross Motor Play (if inclement weather)

12:10pm-12:20pm Bathroom/Handwashing

12:20pm-12:50pm Music and Movement and Story Time

12:50pm-1:05pm Bathroom if needed/Handwashing/Set up Mats

1:05pm-2:25pm Rest Time/Quiet Choices

2:25pm-2:35 Bathroom/Handwashing

2:35pm-2:45pm Afternoon Snack (Whole Group)

2:45pm Pick Up/ Preschool Day Closes/Goodbye to Friends

2:45pm-4:00pm After School Care/Free Choice