Search Tools

You can start your search on your sofa with any of the following tools, but ultimately, the college website will be what you rely on most. Once you have a good list going, dig deep into each college's website for information like application & degree requirements, and financial aid & scholarship info.

Rep Visits at Arapahoe

Each Semester, College Admissions Representatives from across the country come to Arapahoe to meet with students. It's a wonderful opportunity to ask questions about prospective colleges and establish a rapport with reps who may be reading you application! Meetings are approximately 30 minutes in a small group setting. To sign up, click Me > Visits & Deadlines in Scoir. You'll see a list of colleges in order of their visits. Please get a pass if you will be missing any class time. See the calendar for dates/times.

College Fairs

College Fairs bring admissions officers from colleges and universities to high schools, convention centers, and community spaces to meet with and answer questions from students and parents. It's typically a good idea to register for the event so colleges can verify your attendance (some schools track interest). We recommend viewing a layout of the fair prior to attending so you can make a plan to find your favorite schools first. Use the Questions for College Reps link above to help drive your conversations while you're there!

Jesuit Excellence Tour: TBD, typically in September/October each year

Colorado Council College Fairs: October 23rd, 2024 at 6pm, AHS Main & Aux Gyms

College Fairs of Greater Denver: TBD, typically in October/November each year

NACAC National College Fair: TBD, typically in November each year

Denver RMACAC Spring College Fair: TBD, typically in March at Cherokee Trail High School

Colleges that Change Lives Fairs: Sunday, August 14th, 2024 (link may not be active yet)

SEC College Tour: 2024 Date TBD (Denver not guaranteed each year)

Campus Tours

Visiting a college campus helps you get a sense of what a college — and life at that college — is like! Visit the college's admissions website to get details about arranging for an in-person visit. If possible, plan to spend some time in the surrounding town -- grab lunch, see where students spend their time off-campus, and explore housing options for when you'll no longer be required to live on campus if that's an option. Daytripper University has great advice for dining, entertainment, and much more in many colleges towns throughout the US. 

If you can't get to a college in person, check it out virtually by searching You University TV or You Visit!

Questions for College Reps