AHS Counseling and Mental Health Department
Counselors are assigned by student's last names. Students can book an appointment to meet with their counselor by clicking the links below.
De-Hs: Mrs. Rosie DeMello (McKee): Book an appointment with Mrs. DeMello
Hu-Mo: Mrs. Katie McCarthy: Book an appointment with Mrs. McCarthy
Mu-Sh: Mrs. Katiria Rivera: Book an appointment with Mrs. Rivera
Si-Z: Mr. Scott Wadsworth: Book an appointment with Mr. Wadsworth
(School Psychologists work with students staffed into special education and have mental health services on their IEP's.)
Mrs. Katie Williams- Classes 2026 & 2028
Ms. Bree Dougan - Classes 2025 & 2027
Additional Student Supports & Resources
Mental Health Professional: Mrs. Elizabeth Reilly - Book an Appointment with Mrs. Reilly
Post Graduate Specialist: Ms. Mandy Conn - Post Grad Website
Student Services Secretary: Ms. Gabby Vail
Registrar: Ms. Janine Bonifacic
Technology Assistant (IC): Mr. Viet Ngo- 303-347-6014
Arapahoe High School Counseling Department
Main Line (Ms. Vail): (303) 347-6010
Registrar (Ms. Bonifacic): (303) 347-6017
Fax: (303) 347-6008
Counseling Department News
School Resource Officers "Parent Academy"
We would like to bring pointed attention to what our school district provides. Please use the following links and documents as resources and talking points.
Mental Health Helpsheet for Arapahoe HS Parents
Suicide Clusters: What are they and What Can Parents Do?
http://littletonpublicschools.net/district/family-support-services- especially the Mental Health section
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